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lefsha November 5, 2018 09:59

Radiative Heat Transfer. Help request.
Hi all,
I am a new here, sorry if request is not appropriate.

We need to analyze and optimize a 3D geometry with axis symmetry in respect to heating process mostly by radiation means.
As probably everyone here is aware the thermal radiation is most complex process from simulation point of view.
Still we look for the closest to nature solution of the problem. It has to include all effects like reflection, transmission, absorption and consider material parameters at different wavelengthes and temperatures.

We ready to give up for that the dynamic process simulation possibility and real 3D geometry keeping a sector like shape with small angle dAlpha and virtual absolutely reflective surfaces. It will simplify calculation, well sort of and reduce the data volume, which is huge otherwise.

Please, suggest either the most adequate software available to simulate thermal radiation processes closest to reality or the best approach for that task.

We consider a writing of a small piece of software for that purpose, but would be grateful to know if such a software is already existing.



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