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Swagnik November 20, 2018 16:31

Modeling Aluminum Combustion
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to implement Aluminum particle combustion according to the model by Hayashi ( I am only interested in the source terms, since the hyperbolic terms are already accounted for in my code. I am particularly interested in the source terms due to phase change. In their first equation, the species mass conservation equation source term, they have an m_dot which they call delta_c, plus an omega_dot term, where the omega_dot represents source terms due to homogeneous chemical reactions. They assume infinitely fast reactions. Does that mean that the omega_dot is zero for all species? If yes, can you please explain why? Also, for the delta_c part of the equation, they have a term xi_k as coefficient, and they say that xi_k is = 1 for aluminum and 0 for everything else. If so, then how do the reactions affect the production or destruction of species in the source term for all other species (if omega_dot is also zero then the entire source term for all other species would be zero)?

I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this. If you do not have access to the paper, please let me know and I can probably Email it to you or upload it on dropbox or something.



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