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Raza Javed April 12, 2019 05:01

How to Use fvoption file in our problem
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to understand the cooling sphere case available in tutorial of OpenFoam6.

I didn't get much help online. I have some questions

On running the solver, it seems like inside one box, there is a hot fluid, and then a cooling sphere is inserted inside the fluid to cool it. Does it work like this?

And if we look at the fvoption file in the coolingSphere/system/solid directory, the sphere is provided with certain temperature (around 300K) and with some specific power also.

The brief description of my problem is given below:

I made a geometry of two boxes of equal dimensions,group each of them as two volumes and patch them together in salome.

Then I made a mesh and generated a UNV file of that. Then imported that in OpenFoam.

Now I want to make one box as a heat source, so that it can raise the temperature of the second box.

And I have power as an input for the heat source. Can I do that If I put the fvoption file in the directory of box (heat source), by copying from the cooling sphere tutorial?

Thank you for your help

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