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Farhad9 January 18, 2020 03:19

Handling of diffusion flux terms at the boundaries with QUICK scheme
2 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone,

It's my first time posting here, so I am sorry if I am not posting in the proper forum or for any other mistakes I may have made.
So, my question is about the theory of the QUICK scheme. While reading Versteeg and Malalasekera's book "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method", I have encountered a problem with the handling of the diffusion boundary terms. The explanation for the equation seems a bit vague. I have attached two pictures. It seems like eq. 5.54 for diffusion flux at the boundaries emerged out of nowhere. I have tried to find online about this issue, but with no success. I would appreciate it if someone could explain the reasoning behind that formula.

Thank you in advance

FMDenaro January 18, 2020 05:18


Originally Posted by Farhad9 (Post 754955)
Hello everyone,

It's my first time posting here, so I am sorry if I am not posting in the proper forum or for any other mistakes I may have made.
So, my question is about the theory of the QUICK scheme. While reading Versteeg and Malalasekera's book "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method", I have encountered a problem with the handling of the diffusion boundary terms. The explanation for the equation seems a bit vague. I have attached two pictures. It seems like eq. 5.54 for diffusion flux at the boundaries emerged out of nowhere. I have tried to find online about this issue, but with no success. I would appreciate it if someone could explain the reasoning behind that formula.

Thank you in advance

Not sure about but it seems a derivative computed from a quadratic interpolation on 3 nodes at different step sizes, that is A and P at h/2 and P and E at h. You could check that

FMDenaro January 18, 2020 06:11

1 Attachment(s)
Check that

Farhad9 January 20, 2020 05:19


Originally Posted by FMDenaro (Post 754961)

Thank you very much

hchzty April 2, 2021 04:15

use the boundary point, first and second internal nodes for quadratic interpolation, then calculate derivative at the boundary point

nipinl April 30, 2022 07:43

Taking the boundary, Phi_P and Phi_E points gives the required formula 5.54. One can check by entering 0,1,3 in the link provided by Denero.

However, considering boundary, Phi_P and Phi_e values, gradient estimate to be (25*Phi_P-22*Phi_A-3*Phi_e)/8

Josh54 May 10, 2022 05:03

This question is really difficult for me. I can't solve it either. Thanks to your post I already know the answer. Thanks!

mmehta1973 November 26, 2023 07:34

I have not been able to derive equation (5.54) as already questioned by Farhad9 earlier, few posts above. Can someone please share the derivation. Thanks.

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