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Mateja January 27, 2020 16:04

Boundary Conditions for PISO
Hey y'all
I want to solve Lid Driven Cavity problem with PISO algorithm. My main concern right now is how to set boundary conditions for the Lid Driven Cavity in this case.For velocity, the non-slip BC would be applied for the velocity but what would be the BCs for pressure and Poisson's Equation? I couldn't find any literature where PISO is implemented to lid driven cavity problem. Can someone please guide or refer any literature for this topis?
Thanks in advance

joaran February 4, 2020 11:12

Hey Mateja,
For the pressure equation you can use a zero gradient boundary condition. It doesn't matter if it's PISO or SIMPLE algorithm. For further info, check the following book:


Mateja February 25, 2020 05:23

Thank you so much for your reply.

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