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aravind vashista September 28, 2020 10:56

strain rate and scalar dissipation
Dear users,
I am simulating a swirl flame using non-premixed flamelet model. The fuel is methane. I create a flamelet by importing mechanism and thermodynamic database file (GRI mech 2.11 mechanism). I am referring a journal paper where they have a simulated identical flame. The have generated a single flamelet using strain rate of 500/s. I create multiple flamelets using very low initial scalar dissipation and allow flamelet to extinguish. My mixture fraction profile is not matching with experimental results. Hence i want to see the effect by generating single flamelet. How do I create a single flamelet using the given strain rate of 500/s.?? (is strain rate same as initial scalar dissipation)

q__ October 5, 2020 17:01

I don't know the details of your computations but starting point should be generating of steady flamelet and then switching to unsteady one. Steady solution will not yield correct profiles of slowly reacting species.
Also a care should be taken in defining the initial composition and correct values of mixture fractions at the boundaries.

q__ October 5, 2020 17:11

You may find this tutorial helpful:

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