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shalabhks March 23, 2021 19:23

Softwares for debugging parallel CFD codes
Hi All,
I am looking for softwares (preferably free/open source) that can be used for debugging large CFD codes in parallel (MPI) and Multi-thread environment.

Valgrind is one but I haven't found it very useful in MPI environment. I have mostly ended up using compiler debugging features. Is there anything beyond these that is powerful and easy to use?

aerosayan March 24, 2021 12:03

valgrind is generally used as a profiler, and not a debugger, unless you're aiming to solve memory leak issues. At least that's what I use it for. Of course you can use it as a debugger, but I personally don't enjoy using it as a debugger.


For debugging, I would recommend GDB (GNU Debugger). Instead of using the CLI version of GDB, use something like qt-creator IDE. qt-creator can use the GDB debugger and allow you to debug your code very easily due to its rich GUI features.

EDIT : Here's how you can do it in CLI for MPI apps :
However notice that to do it in GUI, you might have to configure qt-creator to call the mpi app if you're using mpirun, as it's normally configured to run single threaded or OpenMP apps.


valgrind is not suitable for profiling numerical codes because valgrind is extremely slow.

I haven't worked with MPI, but for OpenMP and for serial codes, you can use linux-perf tool.

Some other profilers like tau, are also available, but I haven't personally used them.

aerosayan March 24, 2021 16:38

Also found a way to do it in valgrind :
Since I don't use valgrind for debugging, you'll have to see it for yourself.

shalabhks March 25, 2021 04:37

Thank you. Qt based GUI version looks pretty good. Thank you.

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