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How to add WSGGM model to OpenFOAM

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Old   October 24, 2021, 10:50
Default How to add WSGGM model to OpenFOAM
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Hosam Alrefaie
Join Date: Jul 2021
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Hi, I would like to share with how to add Weighted Sum of Grey Gases Model to OpenFOAM (OF) v2106, (Windows-Docker Desktop).

I have tried a lot to reach this, and finally, I would like to share how I have done that. also I have faced a difficulty in in having a shared folder between Windows and Docker (Linux), and it also included in the steps.

1- Download Docker Desktop (DD) and follow the instruction of installation from [1]

2- Copy the command of the image you want from [2], in my case I have copied “Default”

3- Paste the command in Windows PowerShell and wait for it to download OpenFOAM2106.

4- Open DD and go to “Images”, on the image of OF, click Run.

5- When the pop-up window you have, write a name for the container, and under Volumes choose the path for the folder you want it to be shared between Windows and Linux. This file is where you can save your cases.

6- In the Container Path, write any path you want, but it have to be different from the path of where OF files are (/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2106), you can write for example “/home/openfoam/” or any other path you prefer.

7- Now go to Containers / Apps and click start on the container you have just created, then click on CLI

8- Write the command "openfoam2106" to start OpenFOAM-2106

9- Write "ls" then press Enter just to see what you have

10- Now navigate to the source file by writing the command cd usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2106/src

11- Again, "ls" just to see what you have

12- Now open Windows PowerShell and copy the two WSGGM C & H files, by writing the command "docker cp C:\Users\[your user name]\path\where\wsggm\folder\is\located [your container name]:/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2106/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/submodels/absorptionEmissionModel/"
You can find these C & H files from [3], download them and name them what ever you like, I have named them "wsggmAbsorptionEmission.C" & "..ssion.H" and placed them inside a folder named "wsggmAbsorptionEmission"
And you can know your container name from [4]

13- Write the command "cd /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2106/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation" or just write "cd .." two times so you go back to …/radiation/

14- Write "wclean -a" Enter, then "wmake -a" Enter, and wait.

15- Then go …/radiation/Make/

16- Type the command "vi file", and add the this line submodels/absorptionEmissionModel/wsggmAbsorptionEmission/wsggmAbsorptionEmission.C, Add it under /* Absorption/Emission model */ just for good organization of files.

17- Then navigate …/absorptionEmissionModel/wsggmAbsorptionEmission/ and type the command "wmake wsggmAbsorptionEmission.C"

18- Now it should work with OF. Good luck.

Hopefully this is helpful for someone

Now, actually, I need some help in using the model itself, and how to set it up properly?

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adding models, docker, openfoam, shared files, wsggm

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