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ram b nimma December 1, 2021 09:33

Installation error in REEF3D
Dear sir,

I have a problem with command 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ", the command doesn't update with notices 'user1 is not in the sudoers file'. Please help me to solve this.

Thank you

LuckyTran December 1, 2021 11:17

If you know what you are doing you should never have to sudo but it's quite apparent why this advice is not going to work.

So... are you running this on your own personal PC or is this shared workstation or part of a grid? sudo requires superuser privileges (kinda like admin privileges in Windows). If you think you should be able to use sudo, then give yourself sudo privilege or contact your system admin and have them give you this privilege (they won't, at least I wouldn't let anyone sudo that doesn't know what sudo can do).

My recommendation to you is to find an actual installation tutorial for reef3d.

ram b nimma January 23, 2022 13:28

REEF3D Tutorials
Thank you for your suggestions.

I successfully installed REEF3D on my PC.

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