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sub-division mismatch in 2d wedge

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Old   October 4, 2022, 15:52
Default sub-division mismatch in 2d wedge
New Member
Join Date: Sep 2022
Posts: 6
Rep Power: 3
chrisyang is on a distinguished road
Hi, I am kind of new in Openfoam and blockMeshDict. I am working on a 2D axisymmetric wedge case with two nonlinear edges in the bottom faces and here is my blockMeshDict:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  v2012                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

scale   0.001;

n   100;                           //power
a   0.15;                          //ridge amplitude
lambda   4;                        //wavelength of ridge
halfAngle   2.5;                   //half angle of wedge in degrees
offset   90;
maxX    #eval{ $lambda*cos(degToRad($halfAngle)) };    //vertices 2,3,7,8 x-coordinates
maxY    #eval{ $lambda*sin(degToRad($halfAngle)) };    //vertices 2,3,7,8 y-coordinates abs

//interpolation points x-y-z coordinates 
r1   0.1;            
x1   #calc  "$r1*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y1   #calc  "$r1*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z1   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r1/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r2   0.2;
x2   #calc  "$r2*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y2   #calc  "$r2*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z2   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r2/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r3   0.3;
x3   #calc  "$r3*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y3   #calc  "$r3*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z3   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r3/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r4   0.4;
x4   #calc  "$r4*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y4   #calc  "$r4*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z4   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r4/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r5   0.5;
x5   #calc  "$r5*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y5   #calc  "$r5*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z5   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r5/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r6   0.6;
x6   #calc  "$r6*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y6   #calc  "$r6*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z6   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r6/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r7   0.7;
x7   #calc  "$r7*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y7   #calc  "$r7*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z7   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r7/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r8   0.8;
x8   #calc  "$r8*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y8   #calc  "$r8*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z8   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r8/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r9   0.9;
x9   #calc  "$r9*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y9   #calc  "$r9*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z9   #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r9/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r10  1.0;
x10  #calc  "$r10*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y10  #calc  "$r10*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z10  #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r10/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r11  1.1;
x11  #calc  "$r11*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y11  #calc  "$r11*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z11  #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r11/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r12  1.2;
x12  #calc  "$r12*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y12  #calc  "$r12*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z12  #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r12/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r13  1.3;
x13  #calc  "$r13*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y13  #calc  "$r13*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z13  #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r13/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r14  1.4;
x14  #calc  "$r14*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y14  #calc  "$r14*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z14  #calc  "$a*Foam::pow(sin($r14/$lambda + degToRad($offset)), $n)";

r15  1.5;
x15  #calc  "$r15*cos(degToRad($halfAngle))";
y15  #calc  "$r15*sin(degToRad($halfAngle))";
z15  0;

    (0 0 $a)                     //0
    ($x15 $y15 $z15)             //1
    ($maxX $maxY 0)              //2
    ($maxX $maxY 4)              //3
    ($x15 $y15 4)                //4
    (0 0 4)                      //5
    ($x15 #eval{-1*$y15} $z15)   //6
    ($maxX #eval{-1*$maxY} 0)    //7
    ($maxX #eval{-1*$maxY} 4)    //8
    ($x15 #eval{-1*$y15} 4)      //9

    hex (0 6 1 0 5 9 4 5) (60 1 100) simpleGrading (1 1 10)
    hex (1 6 7 2 4 9 8 3) (20 1 100) simpleGrading (10 1 10)

    spline 0 1 
        (0 0 $a)
        ($x1 $y1 $z1)//($x1 $y1 0.145380)
	($x2 $y2 $z2)//($x2 $y2 0.132370)
	($x3 $y3 $z3)//($x3 $y3 0.113200)
	($x4 $y4 $z4)//($x4 $y4 0.090900)
	($x5 $y5 $z5)//($x5 $y5 0.068540)
	($x6 $y6 $z6)//($x6 $y6 0.048490)
	($x7 $y7 $z7)//($x7 $y7 0.032190)
	($x8 $y8 $z8)//($x8 $y8 0.020030)
	($x9 $y9 $z9)//($x9 $y9 0.011680)
	($x10 $y10 $z10)//($x10 $y10 0.006380)
	($x11 $y11 $z11)
	($x12 $y12 $z12)
	($x13 $y13 $z13)
	($x14 $y14 $z14)
	($x15 $y15 $z15)

    spline 0 6
        (0 0 $a)
        ($x1 #eval{-1*$y1} $z1)
	($x2 #eval{-1*$y2} $z2)
	($x3 #eval{-1*$y3} $z3)
	($x4 #eval{-1*$y4} $z4)
	($x5 #eval{-1*$y5} $z5)
	($x6 #eval{-1*$y6} $z6)
	($x7 #eval{-1*$y7} $z7)
	($x8 #eval{-1*$y8} $z8)
	($x9 #eval{-1*$y9} $z9)
	($x10 #eval{-1*$y10} $z10)
	($x11 #eval{-1*$y11} $z11)
	($x12 #eval{-1*$y12} $z12)
	($x13 #eval{-1*$y13} $z13)
	($x14 #eval{-1*$y14} $z14)
	($x15 #eval{-1*$y15} $z15)

        type wall;
            (0 6 1 0)
	    (1 6 7 2)
        type patch;
            (5 9 4 5)
	    (4 9 8 3)
            (2 7 8 3)
        type empty;
            (0 5 5 0)
	type wedge;
	     (0 1 4 5)
	     (1 2 3 4)
	type wedge;
	      (0 5 9 6)
	      (6 9 8 7)


// ************************************************************************* //
I can use blockMesh to create the geometry except there is issue with front and back surfaces... However, the major error I get is the sub-division mismatch between two blocks. And this is how it looks like:

Creating block edges
No non-planar block faces defined
Creating topology blocks
Creating topology patches

Creating block mesh topology
--> FOAM Warning :
    From virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 72
    Wedge patch 'front' is not planar.
At local face at (0.754058 0.0329229 2.03726) the normal (-0.0436195 0.999048 0) differs from the average normal (-0.0436194 0.999048 6.93889e-19) by 4.14191e-15
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning :
    From virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 72
    Wedge patch 'front' is not planar.
At local face at (2.74738 0.119953 2) the normal (-0.0436193 0.999048 1.38778e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.0436194 0.999048 6.93889e-19) by 4.14191e-15
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning :
    From virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 72
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (0.754058 -0.0329229 2.03726) the normal (-0.0436194 -0.999048 0) differs from the average normal (-0.0436195 -0.999048 6.93889e-19) by 6.23259e-15
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning :
    From virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 72
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.74738 -0.119953 2) the normal (-0.0436196 -0.999048 1.38778e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.0436195 -0.999048 6.93889e-19) by 6.23259e-15
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts

Check topology

        Basic statistics
                Number of internal faces : 1
                Number of boundary faces : 10
                Number of defined boundary faces : 10
                Number of undefined boundary faces : 0
        Checking patch -> block consistency

Creating block offsets
Creating merge list (topological search)..

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2012)
Sub-division mismatch between face 1 of block 0(2 101) and face 2 of block 1(21 101)

    From void Foam::blockMesh::calcTopologicalMerge()
    in file blockMesh/blockMeshMergeTopological.C at line 414.

FOAM exiting
I am curious is there any possibility to know where the issue might be since I have checked with geometry couple times. I would be extremely appreciated for any help!

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