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limowaagung11 June 22, 2023 07:27

Set Correct Boundary Condition
4 Attachment(s)
Hi I have a simulation issue with fluent

I have this scenario where the air comes from the tunnel (black arrow), all the way to the middle tunnel (Junction) where it will suct by the duct (green arrow) to transport to the back of the tunnel (tosca arrow) and all the air inside the tunnel wit suct by duct from the middle tunnel to the surface (Blue arrow). I have tried to simulate it and it always gives a floating point exception and i suggest it came from the wrong boundary conditions. And also the tosca arrow which should be out from duct but the vector arrow is pointing inside the tunnel (fluent recognized the duct is outside the domain) what should I do? anny suggestion what should boundary condition of each arrow is ?

LuckyTran June 22, 2023 09:48

I recommend you read your own thread where queries have been posted several days ago that you ignored

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