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arunraj December 9, 2023 05:50

why SIMPLEC for supercritical fluid heat transfer ?
In general, SIMPLE algorithm has a good convergence. However, for problems with supercritical heat transfer, the SIMPLEC algorithm is widely adopted by researchers whereas the SIMPLE algorithm is rarely used. Can anyone tell why SIMPLEC is preferred over SIMPLE for supercritical heat transfer simulations

LuckyTran December 9, 2023 20:36

I've done supercritical calculations and I prefer SIMPLE because that's what I use everywhere else. Everybody has their own preference based on their experiences. Use whatever you like.

In general, SIMPLEC converges faster when you are limited by P-V coupling compared to SIMPLE-classic. However, this is one type of coupling out of many. When you have heat transfer, you have energy coupling. Somehow I doubt P-V coupling is still limiting convergence for a heat transfer problem.

If you need to know, then the best thing you can do for yourself is benchmark it for your problem.

I've never seen anyone use SIMPLEC, so it's patently false that it is widely adopted and preferred over SIMPLE. Maybe it is widely adopted by one person.

arunraj December 10, 2023 00:57

Thanks for your reply Tran.. I referred to many scientific publications by researchers in the field of supercritical heat transfer. Most of the publications have used SIMPLEC scheme. Even my initial investigatiob on choosing showed the convergence was somewhat smoother with SIMPLEC over SIMPLE.. thats why i want to ask.. can SIMPLEC is more accomodative towards the drastica property variations of supercritical fluids..

arjun December 10, 2023 04:03


Originally Posted by arunraj (Post 861374)
Thanks for your reply Tran.. I referred to many scientific publications by researchers in the field of supercritical heat transfer. Most of the publications have used SIMPLEC scheme. Even my initial investigatiob on choosing showed the convergence was somewhat smoother with SIMPLEC over SIMPLE.. thats why i want to ask.. can SIMPLEC is more accomodative towards the drastica property variations of supercritical fluids..

SIMPLEC is available in Fluent going back 1998 or so. Last year SIMPLEC is added to Starccm too.

In so many years of its being available in Fluent SIMPLEC could never become mainstream. So i guess only the handful of publications you use preferred SIMPLEC for some reasons.

arunraj December 10, 2023 08:12

Yes I agree. Only a handful of applications, SIMPLEC is preferred than SIMPLE. That's why I want to know the reason. Initially, in my case, I thought it could be due to mesh skewness that SIMPLEC does well. But it is a structured mesh with maximum mesh skewness of around 0.6-0.7, which is not bad. But like me, many other heat transfer researchers use SIMPLEC for supercritical heat transfer. I cant find the exact reason.

LuckyTran December 10, 2023 12:09

The simple fact that nobody has written down the reason for using SIMPLEC is a hint that there is no particular reason or not a compelling reason. Most people are right-handed. Some people are left-handed.

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