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anagha03 February 20, 2024 05:37

Forced Heave
I am finding the added mass and damping coefficient of different floating structures using the forced heave method. For that I simulated a cylinder in free surface by STARCCM+ , whose geometry is given below. I should get a force between -5 and 5N when STARCCM+ gives me a force of 30N. I deduced buoyancy force and hydrostatic force from it still not in the desirable limit.
following are the details and solvers i used for the simulation
1) implicit unsteady, VOF for free surface , K - epsilon turbulence with no DFBI and dynamic mesh . I also tried dynamic mesh (overset) and DFBI .
2) I have given velocity in the form of A SIN (wt) form under the motion tool as translation motion.
3) My CFL number is kept below 3
4) Flat wave with zero velocity for air and water. Initial conditions for velocity and pressure are given as zero.
5) slip wall for domain walls , and no slip wall for the translating body.
Attaching my simulation before the run due to constraints on data sharing.
Can somebody help to find my problem?
Thanks in advance

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