May 19, 2009, 08:07
Issue with units in heat transfer
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 118
Rep Power: 17
I'm trying to do a numerical simulation of an experiment involving heat transfer in a pipe. In the experiment electrical wires were used to generate 100 Watts of energy which raises the temperature by 10 K (given the mass flow rate of the flow).
In my simulation I am trying to generate the same amount of heat over a distributed region. The standard energy equation is implemented in the CFD code and I introduce extra heat sources into the energy equation to generate the heat.
My problem is I don't know what value the heat source term in the energy equation should take. I divided 100 Watts by the volume where I input the heat source (so that when it integrates through all the volumes it will give 100 Watts). But this value of heat input gives a much larger change in temperature. Am I missing something obvious? (the code uses non-dimensionalisation of the variables and I'm fairlty certain that I non-dimensionalised it correctly).