May 21, 2004, 08:12
HELP: advice for future research
hello, i am in a fix and would be grateful for advice. i am a German physicist with a Ph.D. in thermodynamics of glasses at temperatures below 1 K (experimental and numerical). After that i worked 4 years as software developer in a renowned finance software company but looked around for a job in Physics. Parallel to this i worked as guest in an institute on confocal-laser-scanning microscope. I then got a 3 year contract in mechanical engineering department. Work on virtual heart was the topic with the Professor telling me he would extend the contract so that i might be able to pursue a research career. Since 1,5 years i am in the group and have succesfully simulated fluid-structure flow in a human-like aorta. Parallel to this i am writing down an idea about getting medical relevant pulse wave velocity from the simulations. BUT: the professor does not want to extend my contract and has given me a a job to simulate flow in rotor blades which i am sucessfully doing. It seems he gave me a job which i told him was impossible in the short time he gave. This crititc is shared by other people in the group. In the group there is power struggle going on with me as a total outsider. It turns out that the Prof. cannot support me anyway and is not thought of highly at this university. I must say that he is not active in the field and lets people do the work for him. Till now i have gathered experience in STAR-CD, PERMAS, used MpCCI and ICEM. I will be 36 years old soon and am very tense about my future. I love to work and like to discuss things. With this professor it is impossible. I still have 1,5 years left and am starting to look around. I would love to work on an important topic which offers real research chances. What should i do now? Greetings Sunlight