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Mesh Adaption Across A shock

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Old   August 21, 2010, 05:32
Default Mesh Adaption Across A shock
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Sebastian Bode
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Cbas is on a distinguished road
Hi all
I'm using a normalized, density gradient mesh adaptive scheme(coarsen and refine) in a shock wave simulation. The problem is, as the shock diffracts around a corner a sound wave is formed. Without going into too much detail, the density gradient across the shock near the wall is not very large, and thus it does not refine in this area- the area I need the most refinement. Any suggestions?
P.s. I may not understand the adaption method correctly, in which case my question is simply, why is it not refining adapting near the wall?
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Old   August 21, 2010, 15:37
Join Date: Mar 2009
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ganesh is on a distinguished road
Dear Sebastian,

There are possible solutions for this issue, depending on whether you are looking specifically at this problem (and related class of problems) or mesh adaptation at large. To start with you could increase the percentage of refinement or adjust the threshold for refinement. If the refinement doesn't happen, it is simply because the sensor that you employ (in this case the density gradient) is not "large" enough (in terrms of the threshold) to signal refinement. Another possibility is to use other indicators (such as say the divergence of velocity) or a combination of more than one indicators. Or more simply, if you are focussed only on this problem (such as to understand flow physics) and adaptation is only means for a higher resolution, then you could simply geometrically refine the specific area for this case.

Hope this helps.


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Old   August 22, 2010, 10:43
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Sebastian Bode
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Cbas is on a distinguished road
That was exactly what i needed! I was thinking that i could increase the refinement threshold, but was worrying that it would just increase the refinement on the far field flow, and I would create a very 'expensive' model. I like your suggestion of more than one sensor- although i might run into the same problem. Changing the geometry - such as using inflation?
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Old   August 22, 2010, 12:37
Join Date: Mar 2009
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ganesh is on a distinguished road
Dear Cbas,

Well, refinement but using threshold is always heuristic, you may have to tweak and play a bit there; there is no "universal" threshold, though people make claims of problem-independent thresholds that work well. Of course, multiple sensors may not be a complete solution to the problem; all I say is that it might be a partial solution. What I meant by geometric refinement, was to refine the area that you need by using a "geometric" sensor ie. mark that area for refinement always by using geometric constraints because you know that it needs refinement but your indicator won't flag it. That will sort the problem, but only this specific problem; it is neither intended to be a general solution nor is it one.


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Old   August 22, 2010, 15:16
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Sebastian Bode
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Cbas is on a distinguished road
Thank you! I've done that, and running the simulation now. Lets hold thumbs.
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mesh adaption, shock wave

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