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[gmsh] How to create a 3D volume mesh using a existing surface mesh?!

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Old   July 20, 2017, 09:12
Question [gmsh] How to create a 3D volume mesh using a existing surface mesh?!
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Bremen, GER
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RobertHB is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

i try to create a 3D volume mesh above a preexisting surface mesh for the later use in an OpenFOAM simulation. I've generate a .stl file containing my topography and used the gmsh "Reclassify 2D" command to create a suitable .msh file. I merge this new .msh file in gmsh and create the outline of my domain above this mesh. To do this i use the following code:
Merge "cube.msh";

lc = 1;

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +++++++++ Box above topography +++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Point(14) = {29, 20, 2, lc};
Point(15) = {29, 24, 2, lc} ;
Point(16) = {31, 24, 2, lc} ;
Point(17) = {31, 20, 2, lc} ;

Line(40) = {7, 17};
Line(41) = {2, 14};
Line(42) = {1, 15};
Line(43) = {5, 16};
Line(44) = {16, 15};
Line(45) = {15, 14};
Line(46) = {14, 17};
Line(47) = {17, 16};
Line(48) = {5, 1};
Line(49) = {2, 1};
Line(50) = {2, 7};
Line(51) = {7, 5};

Line Loop(2) = {45, 46, 47, 44};
Plane Surface(11) = {2};
Line Loop(3) = {46, -40, -50, 41};
Plane Surface(12) = {3};
Line Loop(4) = {47, -43, -51, 40};
Plane Surface(13) = {4};
Line Loop(5) = {44, -42, -48, 43};
Plane Surface(14) = {5};
Line Loop(7) = {42, 45, -41, 49};
Plane Surface(16) = {7};

Physical Surface("Inlet") = {12};
Physical Surface("Outlet") = {14};
Physical Surface("Front") = {13};
Physical Surface("Back") = {16};
Physical Surface("Top") = {11};
Physical Surface("Surface") = {2};
The result is depicted in the following image.

As you can see i'm able to create (physical) surfaces defining my domain above my surface, which itself is defined as a physical surface.

I'm unable to create a meshed representation of what i've got so far. Can anybody suggest a solution for my problem?

With kind regards
RobertHB is offline   Reply With Quote


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