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Byba May 26, 2019 06:23

Mesh generation: split boundaries in group of interfaces
Dear all,

I need to mesh group of cylinders (solid parts) inside a coolant, yo solve a heat-transfer problem with chtMultiRegion. Each group (group1, group 2, group 3) has a face/interface with coolant. I generated a mesh, with all boundary surfaces correctly definited in Ansys, saved in .msh/fluent file and converted in OpenFOAM mesh with the follow commands:

fluentMeshToFoam fileName.msh -writeSets
setsToZones -noFlipMap
splitMeshRegions -useFaceZones -cellZonesOnly -overwrite

The mesh is splitted in the right regions but the boundary interfaces of coolant are a single group for all cylinders, called "default_wall". How can I also split the boundary face/interfaces of coolant for the different groups of cylinders?

Here, the OpenFOAM file for the boundaries of coolant:

FoamFile {
class polyBoundaryMesh; location "constant/coolant/polyMesh"; object boundary; }
4 (

{ type patch; nFaces 91513; startFace 3934232; }

side { type wall; inGroups 1(wall);

nFaces 20880; startFace 4025745; }

outlet { type patch; nFaces 91513; startFace 4046625; }


{ type wall; inGroups 1(wall);

nFaces 163800;

startFace 4138138; } )

Thank for your time.


Byba May 28, 2019 15:11

Dear all,

I solved the problem and I will post the solution, if it helps someone.

In ANSYS, you have to set the interfaces as groups of contact regions. In particular, for coolant, the target surfaces is the group of coolant interfaces and contact surfaces are the group of internal cylinder sides. You can flip this contact region, to define the interfaces from the "point of view" of groups of internal cylinders. The mesh is saved in fluent format.

The commands to convert the mesh in "OpenFOAM format", are the following:

fluent3DMeshToFoam nameMeshFile.msh
setsToZones -noFlipMap
splitMeshRegions -useFaceZones -cellZonesOnly -overwrite
checkMesh -allTopology -allGeometry


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