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JanL June 5, 2014 04:40

Encountering Spectrum
1 Attachment(s)
Hi All,

I'm currently working on implementing an encountering spectrum (where the velocity of e.g. a ship is not zero).
Therefore, I introduced the following steps:
1. In a previous step, I generated (copied from the original files, renamed and modified) stokesFirstwCurrent and stokesFirstwCurrentProperties where I introduced the vector "current" and changed eta and U accordingly. This works very well!
2. Afterwards, I generated (copied from the original files, renamed and modified) JONSWAPwCurrent, where the standard spectrum is modified to take account of encountering phenomena (by considering "current" again). Hence the frequencies and the respective amplitudes are modified. This modification works as well, as the spectrum shifts to higher frequencies and is being flattened. The area remains constant.
3. I generated (copied from the original files, renamed and modified) irregularwCurrent, where I modified the argument to take account of "current".
4. I generated (copied from the original files, renamed and modified) irregularwCurrentProperties, where I included stokesFirstwCurrentProperties.H in irregularwCurrentProperties.H.

Compilation is going well, but when setting the wave field, the current is not being considered (the velocity in the domain remains zero). I assume, that irregularwCurrentProperties isn't modified accordingly to consider the introduced vector "current". I attached all files, as well as the generated waveProperties. Does anybody have an idea how I need to change irregularwCurrentProperties to get it run?

I'd highly appreciate any comments!

Best regards

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