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AbdoMusaad April 29, 2024 09:11

waves2Foam compilation steps on Ubuntu 22.04 with OpenFOAM 2206
Dear Foamers,

due to the struggles i faced while compiling waves2Foam, I am summarizing here the steps i did for future reference and for the benefit of other beginners.

1- as of the date of writing this thread, the latest OF version wave2Foam is compatible with is OF v2206. It should be compiled using the gcc and gfortran versions 9. the steps explained in this thread -> was taken to switch the default versions of gcc and gfortran to version 9. remember to change the default openfoam compiler "WM_COMPILE_CONTROL" to version 9 too.

2- download and specify the gsl location as in the following thread ->

3- follow the steps mention in waves2Foam manual to add the waveDyMFoam solver. a point to add here is that the following lines should be added to the EXE_INC in Make/options.

-I$(FOAM_APP)/solvers/multiphase/VoF \
-I$(WAVES_SOL)/waveFoam \
-I$(WAVES_SRC)/waves2Foam/lnInclude \
-I$(WAVES_SRC)/waves2FoamSampling/lnInclude \
a very good explanation can be found here:

note: i am not sure if all these steps are needed. these are just the steps i did.

Happy Foaming!

AbdoMusaad May 22, 2024 04:17

waves2Foam Compilation with openfoam v2312
applying the steps detailed in the first post of this thread plus the following should get waves2Foam working with openfoam v2312:

1- replace the sampledSurfaceElevation.C in the folder .../waves2Foam/src/waves2FoamSampling2206/surfaceElevation with the attached file here.

2- add the following solvers2312_PLUS folder to .../waves2Foam/applications/solvers

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