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ned800 October 23, 2012 09:51

paraFoam "Fatal Error" on Debian Wheezy/Sid
Dear CFD-Online Helpers,

I've been trying to get up and running with OpenFOAM and ParaView for a couple of days now and always return to the same error. After building OpenFOAM and ParaView and attempting to run paraFoam on the cavity tutorial, I get this:


FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist

Please build the reader module before continuing:
cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV3Readers


OpenFOAM build fine and the cavity simulation runs without error. However, when I come to running paraFoam, I have followed instructions on numerous forums but sadly none work for me. I have, however, managed to run ParaView 3.14.1 from a separate from its pre-compiled binaries (different version to the one included in ThirdParty-2.1.1). This works.

As far as I see it I have two options which someone might be able to help me with...


Please help me build ParaView 3.12.0 from Source to work with OpenFOAM 2.1.1


Please help me to 'link up' Paraview 3.14.1 binaries with OpenFOAM 2.1.1. I am not too familiar with 'environment variables' but it seems to me as though I might simply be able to 'point' OpenFoam and the paraFoam script to the new installation.

Many thanks. I appreciate that this is a common problem but I haven't found a solution that works yet!

Ned x.

wyldckat October 23, 2012 15:31

Greetings Ned,

From what I saw in Distrowatch, Debian Wheezy seems to be at the same level as Ubuntu 12.10 (or vice-versa). Therefore I suggest that you try the detailed instructions available here for OpenFOAM 2.1.1 + ParaView 3.12.0:

If you want to use the pre-built version of ParaView, you can find old instructions for 3.10.1, but which you can adapt for 3.14.1:

Best regards,

ned800 October 23, 2012 16:25

Dear Bruno,

Many thanks for your reply. I'll give it another go tomorrow morning when I am back in front of my work station.

Thanks again. I will let you know if I have any success,


ned800 October 24, 2012 11:26


Dear Bruno,

Thanks for your help. I'm finally up and running! I followed your instructions here:

This is the line that made the difference:

sed -i -e 's/ClearAndSelect = Clear | Select/ClearAndSelect = static_cast<int>(Clear) | static_cast<int>(Select)/' \ ParaView-3.12.0/Qt/Core/pqServerManagerSelectionModel.h

Thanks again,


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