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arnolnic July 29, 2015 08:34

I chose your second suggestion and added -lscotch to the Options' code myself - it worked perfectly fine!

What can I say, once again thank you very much for taking your time and helping :)

pfontana August 6, 2015 02:20

I have been trying to install OpenFOAM on Mac OS X 10.10.4 following the steps at Everything goes smoothly until I enter

sudo port select --set db db48

I get

Selecting 'db48' for 'db' failed: The configuration file '/opt/local/etc/select/db/base' could not be opened.

When I enter

ls /opt/local/etc/select/db/

it just lists


When I type 'port select --summary' I get
Name Selected Options
==== ======== =======
db none db48 none
gcc mp-gcc48 mp-gcc48 mp-gcc49 none
llvm mp-llvm-3.5 mp-llvm-3.5 none
mpi openmpi-gcc48-fortran openmpi-gcc48-fortran openmpi-mp-fortran none
python python27 python26-apple python27 python27-apple none
python2 none python26-apple python27 python27-apple none

(sorry I don't know how to do the nice formatting.)

How do I fix my files and get db48 selected?

What does a healthy /opt/local/etc/select/db/base have in its contents? I can just try constructing the file and hope that its being missing is the only problem.

[ --- Moderator merge --- ]

I'm trying to install OpenFOAM on Mac OS X 10.10.4. I followed the instructions step by step and got as far as

sudo port select --set db db48
and I get


Selecting 'db48' for 'db' failed: The configuration file '/opt/local/etc/select/db/base' could not be opened.
In fact, the file 'base' does not exist there. When I type

ls /opt/local/etc/select/db/
all I get is

Can I just build that file and hope the fact that it's missing isn't a symptom of other trouble? If so, what needs to be in it? If not, where is the installation going off track and how do I fix it?

esujby August 9, 2015 08:50

hello, my advice, if you wanna quick get up and running, i would recommend using parallel to run ubuntu on mac, then install open foam, very easy way to go i reckon....goodluck having fun with open foam

ali.m.1 August 12, 2015 11:43

problem with openmpi-gcc48
I'm trying to get OpenFOAM to work on my mac, but one thing is holding the process up. openmpi will not install, as my c compiler isn't working.
When i do the command

sudo port install openmpi-gcc48
it fails, and the reason in the log file says, 'error: C compiler cannot create executables'.
I've tried installing openmpi, but something is obviously wrong with the compiler. I'm running 10.10.4, with xcode6.4, and command line tools installed. Any help would be appreciated!


I deleted macports, and started again. Now everything works, except db48. I'm at the same stage as #222, in my '/opt/local/etc/select/db/' I just have db, and no 'base' file.

aquinter2 August 25, 2015 19:33

Hello, I am having the same issue just mention few post above.
I am not able to fix: db ---> db48
anyhelp is welcome.

regards, Andres


Paul Fontana, did you were able to fix it?

pfontana August 25, 2015 19:43

No. I gave up and installed with Homebrew instead. I did get that to work using the instructions at, but I still had some trouble and had to increase my maxfiles and maxproc settings, and there were a couple of other minor issues. It's working now, though.

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