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y_jiang January 16, 2015 19:06

Trouble when use ParaView binary on CentOS

I am going to use ParaView binary on my linux cluster instead of compiling it as I did before. What I did is download ParaView-4.2 Binary Installer and put it in /home/myname/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.2.2/platforms/linux64Gcc45/

Then, I can run it by ./paraview in its bin directory.

In order to make it run everywhere, I modify $PATH by:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/myname/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.2.2/platforms/linux64Gcc45/ParaView-4.2/bin

Then, I echo $PATH and the new path is there.

However, when I launch a new terminal and input paraview it still shows me

bash: paraview: command not found

Anyone have idea on this? Is there any information on how to run ParaView binary with OpenFOAM-2.2.2? Thanks.

wyldckat January 17, 2015 11:17

Greetings y_jiang,

Try running the following command:

export PATH=/home/$USER/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.2.2/platforms/linux64Gcc45/ParaView-4.2/bin:$PATH
Do not add this in your ".bashrc" until you fully diagnose what's going on, because since you have not indicated which specific version of CentOS you're using, you might be using a very old one that might be incompatible with the libraries that ParaView 4.2.0 has got.

The objective is to first determine what's wrong with the other command you used. The command I wrote above is using "$USER", which should be the variable for the currently working user name. You can double-check by running:

echo $USER
Anyway, the objective is to now run:

which paraview
If it still doesn't give you the correct path to the paraview binary, then something is definitely wrong. In this case, try running:

ls -l /home/$USER/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.2.2/platforms/linux64Gcc45/ParaView-4.2/
If it does not give the correct path to the files, then check the name of the folder and the permissions of said folder, by running:

ls -l /home/$USER/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.2.2/platforms/linux64Gcc45/
On the other hand, if the export command worked as planned, then run:

echo $PATH
in another terminal window, and check if there aren't any stray characters on the path, which could make the PATH not be properly readable.

Either way, unless you show us what you're seeing, it becomes really difficult to try and deduce what's wrong.

Best regards,

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