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donminoti January 30, 2016 08:07

OpenFoam installation on CentOS 7 32 bits
I'm new user of OpenFoam... i have looked for installation instructions of OF on CentOS 7 32 bits and did not found ... Only for 64 bits does exist , there is no suppport for 32 bits !. any help will be appreciated.
By the way.. which version of OF is recommanded ?, the lastest ?


wyldckat January 30, 2016 16:46

Quick questions:
  1. Which exact CentOS 7 version are you using, in order to have the 32-bit version?
    • I ask this because the official supported versions by the CentOS project no longer support the 32-bit architecture.
  2. May I ask why exactly do you need the 32-bit CentOS version and why not use instead the 64-bit version?
  3. In addition, is ParaView is needed or not in your installation?
I ask these questions because I need to know if it's worth the effort to test+add this option to the installation instructions on the wiki.

donminoti January 31, 2016 04:21

Thank you for the quick reply,
Anyway, in my case i will install CentOS 6.x ... however to reply to your questions:

. CentOS 7 i386 (32 bits) was released last December .

wyldckat January 31, 2016 06:19

Greetings donminoti,

Many thanks for the feedback and thank you for choosing to use CentOS 6 i386 instead of 7.

I say this because CentOS 7 i386 is part of the AltArch special interest groups and these special versions currently don't have repositories on the EPEL section at the Fedora project :(
This means that I would have had to write dedicated instructions for CentOS 7 i386 and that it would have to rely on either not relying on Qt-Webkit while building ParaView, or it would require building Qt from source code.

This to say that this isn't very hard, since on my end I would essentially copy-paste-adapt instructions from other versions I've already written for, but the downside is that it would take me between 3 to 6 hours to have the chapter written and fully tested :( I would be able to do other stuff during the compilation phases, but the computer would be mostly busy with it and limiting what I could do in the meantime.

Best regards,

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