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Katt September 28, 2017 11:17

Install foam-extend 1.6 from source, scotchDecomp error.
Hi guys;

I am using RedHat Linux with no internet/ no administrative privileges (theres no other way, I have to deal with this "fortunately/ unfortunately").

I have installed several versions of OpenFOAM/ Foam-Extend on my laptop as a sudo user and never came across any problem.

Coming to my case, for many days, I have been trying to build Foam-Extend-1.6 from the source code and install ThirdParty libraries manually. That is, download required libraries and run the ThirdParty script individually.

Initially I came across MPI problem which I solved and presently struggling with scotchDecomposition problem.

After running the ThirdParty stages individually, I run the FE-1.6 installation but come across the following erros:

+ wmake libso scotchDecomp
SOURCE=scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.C ; ---------------------------

SOURCE=engineScotchDecomp/engineScotchDecomp.C ; --------------

scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.H: 39:33: error: decompositionMethod.H: No such file or directory

and the errors continue in the lnInclude/scotchDecomp.H.

I hope I am not the 1st one struggling with these weird administrative problems and would appreciate if anyone can help me out.

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