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kaaja January 6, 2018 01:25

Trouble Unpacking ThirdParty-v1712.tgz

I have just updated my Ubuntu to 17.10.
I also wanted to upgrade openFoam.
I run from source.
I followed the instructions on
When I typed

tar -xzf ThirdParty-v1712.tgz
I got the error message

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Can anybody help?

kaaja January 6, 2018 02:16

When right-clicking on the file in the file browser, and choosing "extract here", it seems to work. What is the difference between these two methods?

olesen January 12, 2018 09:46

This sounds odd. I tried grabbing the url with wget - no problems.The 'right-click' in my browser prompts me for the same and I can save the file - also no problems. A normal click on the sourceforge link takes a few seconds while it finds the closest mirror and then pops up a prompt. After clicking this, it starts downloading. This takes a while, but eventually gets there and unpacked file.

My only guess is that you had an incomplete download the first time. This is where the md5sum can come in handy: md5sum ThirdParty-v1712.tgz and verify that you have the same value listed on the webpage.

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