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cfd9999 December 14, 2022 13:28

Errors w/ Compiling Custom Solver
I will preface this by stating I am new to OpenFOAM, and I'm running BlueCFD on my Windows PC.

I'm running into difficulty compiling a custom solver onto my PC. I first encounter an error stating the directory could not be modified, and then I receive several errors about unused variables. It seems to me that the library is not updating for some reason.

If anyone has suggestions on trouble shooting this, I would really appreciate it. I can provide more specifics if that would help. Thank you.

arezayan87 December 18, 2022 02:55

provide more detail
Hi dear

please provide more detail about your OpenFoam tracking errors is easy.
I misunderstood that your problem is related to compile a new solver or something else?!

cfd9999 December 18, 2022 11:45

OpenFOAM Solver Compiling Issues
This is the solver I am trying to import into my blueCFD build: I encounter a number of errors when I attempt to compile the solver per the instructions in the Github page. I receive errors/warnings about unused variables. Again, it seems like the superThermo variables and classes are not being imported to my library.

There appears to be a thread from January of this year, where another user had the issues with this as well, though the thread has no replies.

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