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[blockMesh] 3D pipe connected with larger rectangular box

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Old   September 18, 2014, 17:08
Default 3D pipe connected with larger rectangular box
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pankajonline2 is on a distinguished road
Hi I want to generate mesh for a geometry which consist of:
a horizontal pipe connected with a large rectangular box at one side.
Exhaust flowing through this pipe is discharged to this rectangular box connected with the pipe.

I need to generate this using blockMesh.m4 or blockMeshdict... to solve in OpenFoam.

Can anyone did this or willing to help to generate this mesh .

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Old   October 20, 2014, 16:59
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cutter is on a distinguished road

and welcome to the forums!

What have you achieved so far? After all you've got to do the work on your own. Most of the other forum users have plenty of work to do, they'll happily provide all neccessary infos though. When errors occur, feel free to post the scripts you've already created. See

This is what you should do from my point of view (at least if you really need to use blockMesh and M4):

1. create a sketch of your geometry, resembling all of the necessary features
2. split the geometry into blocks, ensuring a valid topology
3. find an index scheme for the vertices and blocks (this will be important for latter automation)
4. create a blockMesh with increasing complexity (start with the pipe first), read first (especially all infos related to node indexing and on the coodinate system!)
5. parametrize the working blockMeshDict using M4 or use a scripting/programming language to automate the whole process

Hint: Here's one way I can think of the block topolgy - at least if I understood your problem correctly: Create the pipe from five blocks, using the scheme from Increase the pipe to intersect the whole box (now ten blocks) - this guaranties matching cells at the connection between the pipe and the box. Add at least four blocks to the second part of the pipe to 'fill' the missing corners of the box.

You should also invest some time in investigating other meshing workflows. Maybe snappyHexMesh, cfMesh, Gmsh or another set of tools fits better to your specific problem. Its always good to know the alternatives!

Good luck!

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