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September 21, 2014, 14:28 |
About blockMesh
#1 |
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
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A page dedicated to describing how to use blockMesh exists at openfoamwiki.net: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/BlockMesh
Feel free to contribute to that page. I only gave it a stern kick off, but a lot more can be added to that page! I've stickyfied this thread, to make easier for people to find it. Here can be discussed how to add content to the wiki page and about this thread; but on this specific "About blockMesh" thread will not be answered questions on how to use blockMesh! Last edited by wyldckat; November 9, 2014 at 08:43. |
October 6, 2019, 06:57 |
How can I STL file for simulation?
#2 |
New Member
Ali İhsan İşgüder
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: İstanbul, Turkey
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Hello everyone,
I 'm mechanical engineering student at 4th class. I have a lecture, "Gas Dynamics". And My instructor has given .STL file about nozzle geometry. I have watched most of tutorials but I dont know still haw can I use this geometry. How can I generate blockMesh to this stl file. Plz help me.. |
October 6, 2019, 09:35 |
#3 | |
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Hi, your question is somewhat off-topic. First, you should reconsider what you are trying to do: The fact that you are using STL geometry makes me speculate that you're trying to create a mesh for complex geometry. Hence, blockMesh might not be the best choice in your case (check snappyHexMesh or cfMesh instead). If your geometry is rather regular/simple, then you can give blockMesh or MEGACADS a shot and you probably do not need to employ STL data. In either case, your best shot is to first stick to the respective meshing software manual to get some background knowledge before turning to the forum. kind regards |
May 7, 2021, 04:35 |
checkmesh failure
#4 |
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Shantanu Mandal
Join Date: May 2021
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Hello eveyone,
The checkmesh is showing failed 1 mesh checks: ***Total number of faces on empty patches is not divisible by the number of cells in the mesh. Hence this mesh is not 1D or 2D. ***Number of edges not aligned with or perpendicular to non-empty directions: 8688 How to resolve this problem? The blockMeshDict is as : scale 1; vertices ( (-0.1 0 0) //0 (0 -0.1 0) //1 (0 -0.0025 0) //2 (-0.0025 0 0) //3 (0 0.0025 0) //4 (0 0.1 0) //5 (0.0205 -0.1 0) //6 (0.0205 0 0) //7 (0.0205 0.1 0) //8 (0.1495 -0.1 0) //9 (0.1495 0 0) //10 (0.1495 0.1 0) //11 (-0.1 0 0.0205) //12 (0 -0.1 0.0205) //13 (0 -0.0025 0.0205) //14 (-0.0025 0 0.0205) //15 (0 0.0025 0.0205) //16 (0 0.1 0.0205) //17 (0.0205 -0.1 0.0205) //18 (0.0205 0 0.0205) //19 (0.0205 0.1 0.0205) //20 (0.1495 -0.1 0.0205) //21 (0.1495 0 0.0205) //22 (0.1495 0.1 0.0205) //23 ); blocks ( hex (0 1 2 3 12 13 14 15) (36 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0 hex (1 6 7 2 13 18 19 14) (18 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1 hex (6 9 10 7 18 21 22 19) (36 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2 hex (7 10 11 8 19 22 23 20) (36 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3 hex (4 7 8 5 16 19 20 17) (18 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //4 hex (0 3 4 5 12 15 16 17) (24 36 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //5 ); edges ( arc 0 5 (-0.08 0.06 0) arc 12 17 (-0.08 0.06 0.0205) arc 1 0 (-0.08 -0.06 0) arc 13 12 (-0.08 -0.06 0.0205) arc 3 4 (-0.0015 0.002 0) arc 15 16(-0.0015 0.002 0.0205) arc 2 3 (-0.0015 -0.002 0) arc 14 15(-0.0015 -0.002 0.0205) ); boundary ( topAndBottom { type patch; faces ( (17 20 8 5) (20 23 11 8) (18 13 1 6) (21 18 6 9) ); } inlet { type patch; faces ( (0 12 17 5) (0 1 13 12) ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( (11 23 22 10) (10 22 21 9) ); } frontAndBack { type empty; faces ( (23 20 19 22) (20 17 16 19) (17 12 15 16) (14 15 12 13) (19 14 13 18) (22 19 18 21) (8 11 10 7) (5 8 7 4) (0 5 4 3) (0 3 2 1) (2 7 6 1) (7 10 9 6) ); } ); mergePatchPairs ( ); Please help me with this. I am doing my project on tandem flapping foil . Thankyou in advance. |
May 25, 2021, 15:21 |
#5 |
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 69
Rep Power: 9 |
This should be related to the warning which comes after executing blockMesh on your provided dict
Found 4 undefined faces in mesh; adding to default patch |
October 1, 2022, 00:10 |
The following problem occurs when merging faces
#6 |
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Join Date: Sep 2022
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Face 220419 reduced to less than 3 points. Topological/cutting error B. Old face: 2(43281 43282) new face: 2(9260 9239) From function void Foam::slidingInterface::coupleInterface(Foam:oly TopoChange&) const in file slidingInterface/coupleSlidingInterface.C at line 1768. Could you tell me what happened? Thank you very much Here is my BLOCKMESH file vertices ( //block0 vertices (-0.088388 0.088388 0) //0 (-0.707106 0.707106 0) //1 (0.707106 0.707106 0) //2 (0.088388 0.088388 0) //3 (-0.088388 0.088388 0.5) //4 (-0.707106 0.707106 0.5) //5 (0.707106 0.707106 0.5) //6 (0.088388 0.088388 0.5) //7 //block1 new vertices (0.088388 -0.088388 0) //8 (0.707106 -0.707106 0) //9 (0.088388 -0.088388 0.5) //10 (0.707106 -0.707106 0.5) //11 //block3 new vertices (-0.088388 -0.088388 0) //12 (-0.707106 -0.707106 0) //13 (-0.088388 -0.088388 0.5) //14 (-0.707106 -0.707106 0.5) //15 (-0.088388 0.088388 0.5) //16 (-0.707106 0.707106 0.5) //17 (0.707106 0.707106 0.5) //18 (0.088388 0.088388 0.5) //19 (-0.088388 0.088388 1) // 20 (-0.707106 0.707106 1) // 21 (0.707106 0.707106 1) // 22 (0.088388 0.088388 1) // 23 (0.088388 -0.088388 1) //24 (0.707106 -0.707106 1) //25 (0.088388 -0.088388 0.5) //26 (0.707106 -0.707106 0.5) //27 (-0.088388 -0.088388 1) //28 (-0.707106 -0.707106 1) //29 (-0.088388 -0.088388 0.5) //30 14 (-0.707106 -0.707106 0.5) //31 15 ); xcells 20; ycells 20; zcells 20; xcells1 20; ycells1 20; zcells1 20; stretch 1; blocks ( //block0 hex (0 3 2 1 4 7 6 5) ($xcells $ycells $zcells) simpleGrading ( // x-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // y-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // z-direction expansion ratio //1 //no expansion ratio ( (0.1 0.2 8) // 20% y-dir, 25% cells, expansion = 4 (0.9 0.8 1) // 60% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 1 ) ) //block1 hex (2 3 8 9 6 7 10 11) ($xcells $ycells $zcells) simpleGrading ( // x-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // y-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // z-direction expansion ratio //1 //no expansion ratio ( (0.1 0.2 8) // 20% y-dir, 25% cells, expansion = 4 (0.9 0.8 1) // 60% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 1 ) ) //block2 hex (8 12 13 9 10 14 15 11) ($xcells $ycells $zcells) simpleGrading ( // x-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // y-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // z-direction expansion ratio //1 //no expansion ratio ( (0.1 0.2 8) // 20% y-dir, 25% cells, expansion = 4 (0.9 0.8 1) // 60% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 1 ) ) //block3 hex (0 1 13 12 4 5 15 14) ($xcells $ycells $zcells) simpleGrading ( // x-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // y-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // z-direction expansion ratio //1 //no expansion ratio ( (0.1 0.2 8) // 20% y-dir, 25% cells, expansion = 4 (0.9 0.8 1) // 60% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 1 ) ) //block4 hex (0 12 8 3 4 14 10 7) ($xcells1 $ycells1 $zcells1) simpleGrading ( // x-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // y-direction expansion ratio 1 //no expansion ratio // z-direction expansion ratio //1 //no expansion ratio ( (0.1 0.2 8) // 20% y-dir, 25% cells, expansion = 4 (0.9 0.8 1) // 60% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 1 ) ) //block5 hex (17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22) ($xcells1 $ycells1 $zcells1) simpleGrading (1 $stretch 1) //block6 hex (18 19 26 27 22 23 24 25) ($xcells1 $ycells1 $zcells1) simpleGrading (1 $stretch 1) //block7 hex (30 31 27 26 28 29 25 24) ($xcells1 $ycells1 $zcells1) simpleGrading (1 $stretch 1) //block8 hex (16 17 31 30 20 21 29 28) ($xcells1 $ycells1 $zcells1) simpleGrading (1 $stretch 1) ); edges ( //block0 arc arc 1 2 (0 1 0) arc 5 6 (0 1 0.5) arc 0 3 (0 0.125 0) arc 4 7 (0 0.125 0.5) //block1 arc arc 2 9 (1 0 0) arc 6 11 (1 0 0.5) arc 3 8 (0.125 0 0) arc 7 10 (0.125 0 0.5) //block2 arc arc 9 13 (0 -1 0) arc 11 15 (0 -1 0.5) arc 8 12 (0 -0.125 0) arc 10 14 (0 -0.125 0.5) //block3 arc arc 1 13 (-1 0 0) arc 5 15 (-1 0 0.5) arc 12 0 (-0.125 0 0) arc 14 4 (-0.125 0 0.5) arc 16 19 (0 0.125 0.5) arc 17 18 (0 1 0.5) arc 20 23 (0 0.125 1) arc 21 22 (0 1 1) arc 19 26 (0.125 0 0.5) arc 18 27 (1 0 0.5) arc 23 24 (0.125 0 1) arc 22 25 (1 0 1) arc 26 30 (0 -0.125 0.5) arc 31 27 (0 -1 0.5) arc 28 24 (0 -0.125 1) arc 29 25 (0 -1 1) arc 16 30 (-0.125 0 0.5) arc 31 17 (-1 0 0.5) arc 28 20 (-0.125 0 1) arc 29 21 (-1 0 1) ); boundary ( inlet { type patch; faces ( (4 7 10 14) ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( (20 21 22 23) (22 23 24 25) (24 25 29 28) (28 29 21 20) ); } pipe { type patch; faces ( (1 5 6 2) (2 6 11 9) (9 11 15 13) (15 13 5 1) (17 18 22 21) (18 27 25 22) (27 25 29 31) (29 31 17 21) ); } walls { type wall; faces ( (0 1 2 3) (2 3 8 9) (8 9 13 12) (12 13 1 0) (0 3 8 12) ); } column { type wall; faces ( (16 19 23 20) (23 24 26 19) (24 26 30 28) (28 30 16 20) ); } up1 { type empty; faces ( (7 6 5 4) ); } up2 { type empty; faces ( (7 6 11 10) ); } up3 { type empty; faces ( (10 11 15 14) ); } up4 { type empty; faces ( (14 15 5 4) ); } interface1 { type empty; faces ( (16 17 18 19) ); } interface2 { type empty; faces ( (19 18 27 26) ); } interface3 { type empty; faces ( (26 27 31 30) ); } interface4 { type empty; faces ( (30 31 17 16) ); } ); mergePatchPairs ( (up1 interface1) (up2 interface2) (up3 interface3) (up4 interface4) ); |
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