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potentialFoam June 22, 2017 08:31

extrudeMesh limits Adaptive/Dynamic Mesh Refinenemt
Dear Foamers,

I have an issue using the utility 'extrudeMesh' (foam version 1606+ or 4.1):
Using Snappy works fine for dynamic mesh refinement (or adaptive mesh refinement, AMR), like here
The problem occurs if 'extrudeMesh' is used after using Snappy - all cells with a hanging node will become protected from refinement.

I prepared a simple case to demonstrate this problem. This case is based on the motor bike tutorial:
in version 1606 (see link above). It also works with version 4.1. This case can be downloaded here:

Two figures illustrate this problem. The grey colored cells show the 'protectedCells' which cannot be refined.
Firstly, this result is gained for the standard tutorial case:

Secondly, the following figure shows the result after 'extrudeMesh' was used (one cell layer is extruded from the top boundary):

Three scripts lead to different results:
- 'runscript_likeTutorial': creates more or less the tutorial case (corresponds to the first figure).
- 'runscript_extrude1/2': uses 'extrudeMesh' in two different ways (lead to second figure).

Question: How can you use 'extrudeMesh' and dynamic mesh refinement together?

Best Regards,

1.) One problem is that the fields cellLevel and pointLevel in the directory constant/polyMesh need to be deleted for 'interDyMFoam'. In 'runscript_extrude1' they are deleted, in 'runscript_extrude2' the cellLevel field is kind of reconstructed with the 'refinementLevel'-utility. Both do not work (-> many protected cells).

same question asked here but not answered yet unfortunately:
and here:
I also asked this question on the ESI Foam help page
Please let me know if you have an idea - I am stuck here...

Fauster January 25, 2018 10:39

Problem solved ?
Did you get any solution to your problem ? I am facing the same problem.

Moreover when using interDyMFoam (and without extrudeMesh), non pure hexahedron cells are not refined (cells at junction between 2 different level). I tried to use the option mergePatchFaces of SHM without any change on the results.

The debugging option of dynamicRefineFvmesh gave me :


Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 20719.
From 94 protected cells found 1627 protected points.
Selected 0 split points out of a possible 832.
which clearly shows that some cells are not refined


Fauster January 26, 2018 04:43

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Fauster (Post 679376)
Did you get any solution to your problem ? I am facing the same problem.

Moreover when using interDyMFoam (and without extrudeMesh), non pure hexahedron cells are not refined (cells at junction between 2 different level). I tried to use the option mergePatchFaces of SHM without any change on the results.

The debugging option of dynamicRefineFvmesh gave me :

which clearly shows that some cells are not refined


A picture of the problem. Cells between levels are not refined as expected.

EDIT : I find the problem. It comes from how the script (./Allrun) is written. I will come back when I would have clearly find out the mistake.

potentialFoam January 29, 2018 03:42

Dear Paul,

probably this issue has been solved in v1712, see e.g.:

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