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[Salome] How to set the Reversed Edges in Python script (Start and End Length)?

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Old   September 16, 2017, 15:40
Default How to set the Reversed Edges in Python script (Start and End Length)?
Join Date: May 2017
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LThomes is on a distinguished road

I need to make Start and End Length sub-mesh using Python script. Currently, I'm typing the number of the edge that I saw in the "graphical interface" to set the reversed edges, just like:
Regular_1D_2 = Mesh_1.Segment(geom=externoVertical)
Start_and_End_Length_1 = Regular_1D_2.StartEndLength(0.1, 0.6, [ 11, 114, 124, 18, 186, 196, 28, 6, 66, 76 ])
Start_and_End_Length_1.SetObjectEntry( 'Partition_1' )
However, when I change something in the geometry, the reversed edges are messed up, because those numbers also change.

Does anybody have some idea how I could set the reversed edges to aways be on the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
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Old   September 17, 2017, 03:55
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Niels Nielsen
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I have not done this myself, but if you build the geomtry in Salome you can always create the correct direction.

If you make two points and then a line between these 2 points the direction will be from the first point you select to the second point.

This extends to extrusions and cuts, etc. the order in which you do things matter.

If the geometry comes from some place else you need to check the direction of each line, the ones that are wrong direction you can store in an array and use that in the mesh creation. You can explode the geometry into lines and loop through each of them.

Maybe there is a direct way of doing this but I haven't seen it.

PS. I do not do personal support, so please post in the forums.
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Old   September 19, 2017, 10:53
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Thanks for the reply.
To make sub-meshes, the geometry selected (the lines) should be a sub-shape of the main geometry of the mesh (a block, for example). Therefore, I can't create lines because they won't be sub-shapes of the block.
If the geometry comes from some place else you need to check the direction of each line, the ones that are wrong direction you can store in an array and use that in the mesh creation. You can explode the geometry into lines and loop through each of them.
The sub-mesh is created from exploded edges from the block, how can I check the direction of each line in a Python script?
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Old   September 19, 2017, 15:43
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Niels Nielsen
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Well the way I would do it, you will get some pseudo code here

box1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10, 20, 30) # Or whatever sub geometry you have here
lineIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(box1, 5) # get all IDs of the lines in the box
lines = geompy.SubShapeAll(box1, 5) # 5 is the actual line objects from the box

for i,l in enumerate(lines):
    p1,p2 = geompy.SubShapeAll(l, 2) # 2 is points
    coords1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(p1)
    coords2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(p2)

    make some vector calculations here from p1 to p2 and use some criteria to compare 
    and put into a list you can use later in the mesh study from the lineIDs list and i.
The difficult thing here is to establish the criteria for selecting the wrongly oriented lines. I do not have a good solution here as it is in 3D and unless everything is aligned parallel to each other it can be difficult to find the right edges.

You can also create a group in the GEOM module to use in the Mesh module for the reversed edges. Again your main problem is identifying the edges in the wrong direction.
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PS. I do not do personal support, so please post in the forums.
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Old   September 20, 2017, 19:03
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Thank you very much! I've managed to set the reversed edges with a few modifications. Here's the code:
import sys
import salome

theStudy = salome.myStudy

import salome_notebook
notebook = salome_notebook.NoteBook(theStudy)
sys.path.insert( 0, r'C:/Users/Renan/Desktop')

### GEOM component

import GEOM
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
import math

geompy = geomBuilder.New(theStudy)

O = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
OX = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
OY = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
OZ = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)

Box_1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10, 20, 30) # Or whatever sub geometry you have here
lineIDs = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Box_1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]) # get all IDs of the lines in the box
lines = geompy.SubShapeAll(Box_1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])

Group_1 = geompy.CreateGroup(Box_1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
geompy.UnionIDs(Group_1, [25, 30, 26, 29])	# A group of the edges oriented in the X axis for testing

count = 0
N = len(lineIDs)
rvEdges = [0] * N
for i,l in enumerate(lines):
	p1,p2 = geompy.SubShapeAll(l, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"]) # 2 is points
	coords1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(p1)	# point of the arrow
	coords2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(p2)	# first point
	if coords2[0] < coords1[0]:				# An example condition for reversed edges
		rvEdges[count] = lineIDs[i]
		count = count + 1

# Making a vector of the reversed edges without zeros ------
count = 0
for i in range(0, N):
	if rvEdges[i] == 0:
	count = count + 1
rvEdges2 = [0] * count
for i in range(0, count):
	rvEdges2[i] = rvEdges[i]
# -----------------------------------------------------------

geompy.addToStudy( O, 'O' )
geompy.addToStudy( OX, 'OX' )
geompy.addToStudy( OY, 'OY' )
geompy.addToStudy( OZ, 'OZ' )
geompy.addToStudy( Box_1, 'Box_1' )
geompy.addToStudyInFather( Box_1, Group_1, 'Group_1' )

### SMESH component

from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder

smesh = smeshBuilder.New(theStudy)
Mesh_1 = smesh.Mesh(Box_1)
Regular_1D = Mesh_1.Segment()
Nb_Segments_1 = Regular_1D.NumberOfSegments(5)
Quadrangle_2D = Mesh_1.Quadrangle(algo=smeshBuilder.QUADRANGLE)
Hexa_3D = Mesh_1.Hexahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.Hexa)
# THE SUB-MESH ------------
Regular_1D_1 = Mesh_1.Segment(geom=Group_1)
Start_and_End_Length_1 = Regular_1D_1.StartEndLength(3.74166,0.5, rvEdges2)	# These numbers are arbitrary
Start_and_End_Length_1.SetObjectEntry( 'Box_1' )
# -------------------------
isDone = Mesh_1.Compute()
Sub_mesh_1 = Regular_1D_1.GetSubMesh()

## Set names of Mesh objects
smesh.SetName(Regular_1D.GetAlgorithm(), 'Regular_1D')
smesh.SetName(Hexa_3D.GetAlgorithm(), 'Hexa_3D')
smesh.SetName(Quadrangle_2D.GetAlgorithm(), 'Quadrangle_2D')
smesh.SetName(Start_and_End_Length_1, 'Start and End Length_1')
smesh.SetName(Nb_Segments_1, 'Nb. Segments_1')
smesh.SetName(Mesh_1.GetMesh(), 'Mesh_1')
smesh.SetName(Sub_mesh_1, 'Sub-mesh_1')

I'm not used to Python language, so, if anyone could improve it...
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Old   September 4, 2018, 13:30
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How do I get the nodes of the edges of the sub-mesh, after having generated the sub-mesh. I need to build a script in python. Thank you very much in advance.
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edges, length, opposite, reversed, salome

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