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dolphink February 14, 2018 16:35

how split mesh perimeter line to four sides
hello to cfd community,
newbie, and I would like your help,
I have create an unstructured rectangular mesh (2D) which includes one line at the perimeter. I would like to split this line to four lines; each for each side: north, west, south, east. The format of the mesh is .msh and .mesh. I used gmsh to create the initial mesh, and mmg2d library to improve the quality of elements.
Please, does anyone knows any open source tool, or could suggest a way to make the split? I tried gmsh but it does not work; and I assume because I do not have points at the corner of the rectangular,
any help is more than welcome,
thank you,

Antimony February 14, 2018 21:42


You can try to use topoSet & createPatch in OpenFOAM to do this.

In topoSet, gather all the faces on the perimeter patch using patchToFace & then subset this based on the normal using normalToFace. Use createPatch to create new patches from the different facesets that you got using topoSet.

Hope this helps.


dolphink February 15, 2018 06:33

Thanks Antimony! I will try to do that... to be honest I am very confused how to work with topoSet & createPatch in OpenFOAM. I will let you know if I make it work.

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