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[Other] Non-uniform meshing using hexahedra with third party algorithm

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Old   August 10, 2018, 10:24
Default Non-uniform meshing using hexahedra with third party algorithm
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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13Kartoffelbrei is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I created a mesh using an algorithm from university. The idea was to implement a block-structured mesh (hexahedra as primitives) that refines towards the input geometry. Evidently this results in hanging nodes. When I visualized the mesh in paraview I have noticed that (instead of hanging nodes) polyhedral cells were created (see picture1).
Now my first question: is that the way how OpenFOAM treats hanging nodes, is this "ok"? (I got the suspicion the face areas were assigned to the wrong cell) Because actually I do not want these polyhedral cells for my fluid flow calculation...

So I did some "debugging":
I run checkMesh and the polyhedral cells gave an error (***Faces not in triangular order***) but after running renumberMesh it said that the Mesh was ok. However for a more complex case, for example when I have a sphere as input file, I get the error message ***Open cells found...***. So my second question is: Could this error be related to the hanging nodes or is there something else wrong with the meshing?

I am sorry for the long text, I know it is quite specific for what I am asking. In case there is something fundamentally wrong with this approach of non-uniform mesh refinement, let me know.

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face area vector, hexa block, meshing 3d, non uniform mesh problem

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