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[Other] Difference btw dynamicRefineFVMesh vs polyTopoChange

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Old   March 9, 2023, 04:40
Default Difference btw dynamicRefineFVMesh vs polyTopoChange
Song Young Ik
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I was searching method for Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) and found that dynamicRefineFVMesh supports such function.

However, it seems like dynamicRefineFVMesh doesn't exist in OpenfoamV10, and tutorials use TopoChanger as refiner in Tutorials.

But Openfoam(R) also supports such function, so there must be something more to dynamicRefine.

How are these two different?
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Old   March 21, 2023, 16:02
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The dynamicRefineFVMesh tool was available in older versions of OpenFOAM (prior to version 4.0), but it was removed in later versions. The reason for its removal was because it was considered to be a somewhat outdated approach to adaptive mesh refinement, and newer and more efficient approaches were developed.

In OpenFOAM v10 and later versions, the preferred tool for adaptive mesh refinement is the topoSet utility, which is used to create cell sets that can be refined or coarsened using the refineHexMesh or refineMesh utilities. These utilities use a more modern approach to adaptive mesh refinement that is based on octree decomposition.

The TopoChanger class that you mentioned is a C++ class in OpenFOAM that can be used to implement custom mesh refinement algorithms. This can be useful if you need to implement a custom refinement algorithm that is not available in the standard utilities.

In summary, while dynamicRefineFVMesh was a tool that was available in older versions of OpenFOAM, it has been replaced with more modern and efficient approaches to adaptive mesh refinement in later versions. The topoSet utility is now the preferred tool for adaptive mesh refinement in OpenFOAM v10 and later versions, and the TopoChanger class can be used to implement custom refinement algorithms if needed.
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Old   March 23, 2023, 03:37
Song Young Ik
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Originally Posted by nasa55 View Post
The dynamicRefineFVMesh tool was available in older versions of OpenFOAM (prior to version 4.0), but it was removed in later versions. The reason for its removal was because it was considered to be a somewhat outdated approach to adaptive mesh refinement, and newer and more efficient approaches were developed.

In OpenFOAM v10 and later versions, the preferred tool for adaptive mesh refinement is the topoSet utility, which is used to create cell sets that can be refined or coarsened using the refineHexMesh or refineMesh utilities. These utilities use a more modern approach to adaptive mesh refinement that is based on octree decomposition.

The TopoChanger class that you mentioned is a C++ class in OpenFOAM that can be used to implement custom mesh refinement algorithms. This can be useful if you need to implement a custom refinement algorithm that is not available in the standard utilities.

In summary, while dynamicRefineFVMesh was a tool that was available in older versions of OpenFOAM, it has been replaced with more modern and efficient approaches to adaptive mesh refinement in later versions. The topoSet utility is now the preferred tool for adaptive mesh refinement in OpenFOAM v10 and later versions, and the TopoChanger class can be used to implement custom refinement algorithms if needed.
Oh, I thought dynamicRefineFVMesh is newer one b.c. still use it instead of topoSet

Thanks for answer!
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adaptive mesh refinement, amr, dynamicrefinefvmesh, polytopochange, topochanger

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