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Korasamy May 27, 2023 09:37

Problems with using the extrudeMesh to create a pseudo-2D axisymmetric mesh from the
4 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone! I want to obtain a pseudo-2D axisymmetric mesh and first I used the ICEM to build a 2D mesh because I think it is more convenient for me than blockMesh. And then I used the command “fluentMeshToFoam xxx.msh -scale 0.001” to convert it. After conversion, I run the command “autoPatch 60” to separate the automatically generated patch “frontAndBackPlanes” to “auto6” (the front face) and “auto7” (the back face). I set the sourcePatch “auto6” and the exposedPatchName “auto7” in extrudeMeshDict. Next, I ran the command “extrudeMesh” and generated a wedge. But I found that the patch AXIS had faces it should not have had. So, I run the command “collapseEdges” and collapse 0 edges even when I set the minimumEdgeLength a big number higher than the minimum edge length. And checkMesh all failed after doing extrudeMesh. Some photos and files are uploaded as supplements for my problem. I have spent nearly two weeks in it, and searched a lot for instruction, but all my attempts have failed miserably. I am feeling very down at the moment, and I really wish you would help me if it would be convenient for you. Many thanks in advance!

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