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SGI/OpenCFD release OpenFOAM® version 2.1.0

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Old   December 19, 2011, 10:46
Default SGI/OpenCFD release OpenFOAM® version 2.1.0
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 69
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opencfd is on a distinguished road
The OpenFOAM Team at SGI/OpenCFD are pleased to announce the release of version 2.1.0 of their OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox, 6 months after the release of v2.0.0. Version 2.1.0 is distributed as:
Version 2.1.0 is a major new version containing significant developments, notably the following:

Arbitrary mesh interface (AMI)
A completely new, fully-parallelised, implementation of arbitrary mesh interface (a.k.a. generalised grid interface, or “GGI”) allows simulation with sliding interfaces and non-conformal boundaries. AMI enables rotation of geometries (e.g. for rotating machinery) and more flexibility when using cyclic (periodic) boundaries and coupling simulations between separate mesh regions (e.g. surface film and bulk flow). Further details…

Multiphase modelling
This release includes: a new solver for 2 compressible fluid phases where one phase is dispersed; a new Euler-Euler solver simulate any number of incompressible phases that may be dispersed or ‘VoF’-resolved; and, considerably improved stability and accuracy for interface-capturing in systems with 3 phases or more. Further details…

Free-surface flow
Free surface flows can now be simulated using potentialFreeSurfaceFoam, an incompressible, Navier-Stokes solver that approximates waves through a wave height field. Bringing significantly lower computational cost than interfacing-capturing approaches, the method is well suited to large scale applications, e.g. in marine and civil engineering sectors. Further details…

Physical modelling
The new k-k_l-omega turbulence model can simulate flow with a boundary layer that undergoes a transition from laminar to turbulent flow. A new combustion model has been implemented for non-premixed flames, based on the flame-surface density (FSD) concept. Further details…

Boundary conditions
Users can now initialise a range of boundary conditions (BCs) to be time-varying, with inline or external tables of data, or polynomial expressions. Other new BCs are introduced, e.g. for the potential-free-surface flow solver. Further details…

Run-time control
Developments relating to run-time control include: additional controls over timing of write dumps; a new #calc directive, introduced as a shortcut to #codeStream; and new features for function objects. Further details…

Numerical methods
New additions to the numerical methods in OpenFOAM include support for multiple phases/fields in MULES and the new linear-upwind stablised transport scheme, which has performed well in LES/DES of external aerodynamics on complex geometries. Improvements have been made to the mechanism whereby field sources can be added to equations. Further details…

Other developments include: a new option on the decomposePar utility to leave patches intact; formalisation of the the SIMPLE/PIMPLE loop control structure; support for 64-bit labels; removal on a restriction on format of hostnames and user names. Further details…

OpenFOAM v2.1.0 was produced by the OpenFOAM Team at SGI/OpenCFD — Henry Weller, Mattijs Janssens, Chris Greenshields, Andy Heather, Sergio Ferraris, Gijs Wierink, Laurence McGlashan and Jenya Collings. Thanks to the OpenFOAM enthusiasts who have contributed to a better code through the bug reporting system.

To download OpenFOAM, click here.

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Old   December 20, 2011, 01:24
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
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Great job!

I just came across to see a reference management software Mendeley which has a place to collect the user ideas using "user voice", the users can vote on it, and it looks very nice.
Why doesn't OpenFOAM try to use it on their website? I think it would be helpful for both sides.
Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China
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