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OpenFoam Combustion SIG

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Old   August 14, 2023, 12:39
Default OpenFoam Combustion SIG
Senior Member
Domenico Lahaye
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Dear OpenFoam Combustion SIG members,

This email summarizes the SIG meeting of combustion researchers using Openfoam, that took place on Wed June 12 at the 18th OpenFOAM workshop in Genoa.

Please use this link to sign up for the SIG mailing list –
Even if you are in this email, please sign up so that I can create a unified list.
Forward this link to all interested parties who would like to contribute to and benefit from the OF combustion SIG.
Once I get a critical mass of submissions, I will send out a separate email to setup regular emails and virtual meetings.

Below is the summary from our meeting and I welcome feedback and inputs from you. Feel free to forward this to other combustion researchers using openfoam.

FOCUS AREAS (from participant input)

IC Engines
Gas Turbine Combustion
Multiphase flows
Spray simulations
Hydrodynamic stability for reacting flows
Use of H2, Ammonia, Methanol, Diesel oil as fuels (ICE applications, GT applications)
Detection of critical points for bifurcation in flame stability, ex. Oscillating stable flames
Chemical process engineering, catalytic combustion
Riemann solvers
Fast particle method for combustion

INTERESTS/NEEDS (from participant input)

community driven unified framework for turbulent combustion modeling such as PDF approaches.
post-processing of reacting flow data
Standard Benchmarks to compare OpenFOAM simulations
Interest in load balancing
Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction modeling
Tabulated methods – improving them
Inhomogeneous combustion
Tuning models – for ex. Flame propagation tuned for TCI… tuning is a bottleneck


Outdated SIG Combustion website:

Need an action plan for website content and a lead who can track and update this site.

Community driven and collective effort of shared infrastructure, codes and test cases

Identify reference test cases for premixed and non-premixed combustion
As a start, we can consider the DLR grand challenge case from exaFoam.
Need a good solution for tabulated chemistry / flamelet based methodologies

Community driven maintained code of physics-validated reactingFoam for laminar, RANS, LES in one code

Add features that improve functionality – Multicomponent diffusion, AMR, load balancing
See next section for more detailed breakdown of this.

Community Request: Please reach out to me…

If you are interested in leading/supporting (1) above
With further inputs on a robust and unified test case for testing variations of TCI models, reduced order chemistry models
If you would like to lead a code development effort on item (2) for a unified code base – PDF methods, tabulated chemistry etc.
If you would like to work on adding functionality (in 2 & 3 above) and testing it with the community

TOPICS/DISCUSSION specific to reactingFoam
Special thanks to Domenico Lahaye, Francesco Marra, Eric Daymo and Matthias Hettel for putting together the contents of this section.

Document Current Version of reactingFoam

Goal: provide blueprint for discussions on the solvers; future developments; recognize original developers;
what is already there? whose support do we need? who to appoint as editor?

Document the following items
  1. compressible turbulent stationary and transient flow (RANS, URANS, LES (mesh requirements?), DES, DDES, blending function with a-posteriori check)
  2. chemistry (transport, reaction, multi-component, non-unit Lewis number, tabulation, mechanism reduction)
  3. radiative heat transfer (P1, P3, fvDOM, submodels for emission)
  4. turbulence-combustion interaction,
  5. turbulence-radiation interation,
  6. spatial discretization (fvSchemes, including adaptive mesh refinement),
  7. temporal discretization (operator splitting for flow and chemistry),
  8. linear solvers (fvSolution)

(Documentation at and Cocoon project for bubbleFoam seems to be outdated)
(What can we recycle from manual Fluent, ConvergeCFD, CFD-online, wikipedia and other sources?)
(Take advantage of GitLab initiative by ESI?)

Extend Set of Combustion Tutorials

Goal: extend set of combustion tutorials with both small (stressing solver capabilities) and large (stressing computational limitations of solver) cases; include comparison with experimental data and other simulation software;

2.1. small test cases: what is currently presents? what is missing? (TNF workshop, Sandia A though F, HM1 test cases, Delft Jet-in-co.Flow, DLR burner, 1D laminar flame allowing to numerically follow the flame propagation, spray, soot, DES, DDES, LES)

2.2. large (exaFoam) test cases: see [1];


Develop Steady-state Variant of reactingFoam

Goal: develop steady-state (ddt = 0) for laminar and/or RANS models having a steady state solution
(cfr. opening talk Hrv Jassak at 18th OFW Genua):
Eric Daymo: a) compare with DUO-solver@KIT; b) good steady-state results with laminarSMOKE or EDCSmoke, unclear why;

Further Develop/Check/Document/Standardize Adaptive Mesh Refinement for reactingFoam

Goal: adaptive mesh for accuracy and time of computation (see fireFoam by FMGlobal at 18th OpenFoam workshop) (laminar for flame propagation, turbulent, accelerating) and dlbFoam for load balancing (dlbFoam)

See previous work by Clapointe:
and more recent work: e.g.
What is required to make adaptive mesh refinement work? See version-10 and version-11 of the Foundation Version of OpenFoam;

Eric Daymo: successful in making adaptive mesh refinement work using functionObjects ion Foundation version; further verification is required;

[1]: Clapointe:
[2]: and references cited therein

Further Develop/Check/Document/Standardize Multi-Component Species Transport for reactingFoam

Goal: non-unit Lewis number, non-Fickian

[1]: and references cited therein

Further Develop/Check/Document/Standardize Theoretically Sound Combustion Models

Goal: assumed beta-PDF, transported PDF

[1]: work by Polimi (libICE)
[2]: work by TU Delft (Ma and Roekaerts, cfd-online thread)
[3]: slides Lucchini at

Further Develop/Check/Document/Standardize Tabulation and Mechanism Reduction: see work of previous work by Francesco Contino (contino-2012) and recent work by Francesco Marra (see ex. 18th OpenFoam Workshop)

Develop Coupled Pressure-Velocity Solve for reactingFoam

Maintain/test/document Code

Adapting code to evolving OpenFoam distributions?
What can be automated using automated testing and github actions or gitlab pipelines?
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