July 23, 2013, 10:02
Probe pressure is more like wave height
Senior Member
musaddeque hossein
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 309
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Probe force from Sinusoidal Displacement.pngDear all:
I am simulating tanksloshing using SloshingTank2D. Tank lenght (L)=1m; height(h)=1m and depth (b) is 0.1 m. Water depth in the tank is 0.35m. I am running the case with 271X271 mesh. I have a probe at 0.05m from the right wall of the tank that captuers phase fraction and pressure for the full height of the tank. The tank oscillates horizontally with law Asin(2*pi*t/T). in my case T=1.2 and A=0.25.
After the OpenFOAM run, I compute the force on the probe as phase_fraction*pressure. The results I get is strange. In my opinion if the tank is swaying with sinusoidal motion, the force should more or less vary sinusoidally. However what I get looks more like wave elevation. Please see the .png files that I have attached.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks