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Slein December 22, 2015 10:41

Plotting pressure on cylinder

I made a model to determine te pressure around a cylinder in a uniform flow. Is there a possibility to plot the pressure for every point around the cylinder. For example the pressure in function of the polar coordinate theta?

Thanks in advance,


davibarreira January 15, 2016 19:34

I dont know if you are still interested on this, since it has been almost a month. But anyways, yes there is a way, but the way I do it you need some programming. Well, for me, I like to use python for postprocessing, so here is how you can do this.

First, you need a sampleDict so you can sample the cylinder surface by using the utility "sample" (once you have the sampleDict in the system folder, just run "sample" from the terminal, you can find examples of the sampleDict in the motorbike tutorial). After you done this, you got the pressure values for your cylinder, what is left to do is to transform the results in polar coordinate. This is now simple math, since you have the x, y and z coordinates of each point.

Hope this helps. If you need more specifics, just let me know.

Vikrant kumar jaiswal December 17, 2020 07:02

plotting pressure variation over cylinder
I need to know how to plot pressure vs theta?
so please help me

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