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Calculating resolved scale k and epsilon (LES)

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  • 1 Post By pm11dt

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Old   March 28, 2017, 10:59
Post Calculating resolved scale k and epsilon (LES)
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Daniel W Theobald
Join Date: Feb 2017
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I'm relatively new to openFoam and require some help with a specific issue I'm having when dealing with the post processing of LES cases.

I need to calculate k and epsilon fields for my LES case in order to compare with a RANS K-epsilon case I ran previously. In order to achieve this I have been using the following 3rd party utility:

postAverageTurbulenceFields found here: Utilities: post average turbulence fields and create turbulence fields for LES

However, I believe this utility only calls back and writes values for k from the transport equation solved during simulation. This would be fine when used with RANS but not for LES. I used the oneEqEddy viscosity sgs model which has a transport equation for ksgs and writes ksgs as k in the time directory.

When i use this tool with oneEqEddy LES model it will write ksgs as k and is probably writing epsilon from the sgs based on the same assumptions.

I need a way of calculating the total k and total epsilon for my LES case by either modifying postAverageTurbulenceFields utility or using some other utility to calculate these values from the mean velocity information I have.

epsilon= nu(d<U'_i>/d<x_j>)^2

nu = nuSgs + nu of material ..?

Any help would be very much appreciated, but I should mention I have very little programming experience i.e. actually modifying source code. I am using and older version of openFoam, v2.3.1.


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averageturbulencefields, epsilon, les, oneeqeddy, turbulence disapation

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