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surajkvs July 15, 2017 05:30

Lagranian particle graph plotting in DPMFoam or MPPICFoam
I am using Goldschimdt case of DPMFoam and MPPICFoam.when I am post processing the result in paraview but I am able to plot data for gas phase in plot over line but when I am trying to plot the particle data over line than nothing is coming in the plot.Data is there in the file but it is not being fetched.
I am quite new in OpenFoam so please help me.

Desimuser1 August 11, 2023 07:32

hope it helps
you have to create log file to check out graph (as farr as i know)

MPPICFoam | tee log.mppic

then you can see graph with log.mppic

or you could just see your graphs while running by,

mpiexec -np 4 MPPICFoam -parallel | tee log5_parallelRun & log5_parallelRun

MPPICFoam | tee log5_parallelRun & log5_parallelRun

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