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philiplu October 6, 2019 08:40

substitutes of "boxToCell" and its application
when geometry is complex, what are the substitutes of "boxToCell"?
regionToCell, zoneToCell, shapeToCell?
could someone give 3 simple examples of how to use the above 3 as follows as with "setFields"?

thank you in advance

an application example of "boxToCell" in OF-tutorials:
box (0 0 0) (40.0 1.0 0.4046);
volScalarFieldValue alpha.water 1


philiplu October 6, 2019 09:10

wrong place
btw. I also re-posted this thread in the pre-processing block.

sorry for wrong place


olesen October 7, 2019 13:02

With searchableSurfaceToCell, you could specify an arbitrary enclosing surface "blob" (eg, an stl) and select based on that. In fact, since it is backed with a searchable surface, you could even specify using a searchable surface that is a box and it would be the same as boxToCell. You probably don't want to do that, but may be nice to know

Related: arbitrary surfaces for constraining domain decomposition:

philiplu October 7, 2019 21:22

thank you, olesen
thank you, olesen for the reply.

I gonna have a look in detail to see if i still get question.

in between

thanks and regards

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