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Eller_OF August 23, 2020 08:59

reconstructPar for continued Simulation

how can I use the command reconstructPar on a simulation folder which is already reconstructed for some timesteps?

I ran a Simulation (capillary rise) with OpenFoam and to get it ready for my Postprocessing I would always "reconstructPar" the Data. (Making different Folders for timesteps)

But during postprocessing I realized that I didn't run the Simulation long enough. So I had a Simulation, that ran until e. g. t=0.2s and was already reconstructed until that timestep.
Now I just continued the calculation until t=2s and wanted to reconstruct the thing again. It didnt work.

Error says:

error in IOstream "filename/0.001/U" for operation Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const Scalar&)


From function virtual bool Foam::IOstream::check(const char*) const
in file db/IOstreams/IOstreams/IOstream.C at line 96.

I would be glad to hear some suggestions :)

HPE August 23, 2020 10:23


- You can pass "time" option to "reconstructPar" to specify a single time directory or a range of time directories, e.g.:

reconstructPar -time <ranges> List of ranges. Eg, ':10,20 40:70 1000:', 'none', etc.


reconstructPar -latestTime // to reconstruct only the last time-step

- "reconstructPar" operates in serial mode only. This may slow down your workflow. In order to reconstruct fields in parallel, you can use "redistributePar -reconstruct" by also passing "time" option e.g.:

mpirun -np X redistributePar -reconstruct -parallel -time <some time range>

Hope these may help.

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