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chandra shekhar pant November 4, 2020 02:32

How to visualize the streaklines in paraview/paraFoam
Dear Foamers,

I have done a simulation in 3D and wanted to understand the flow over it using the streakline option, I am trying it since a long time but could not do that, could any one please help me with plotting the streakline in 3D simulations. Any comment or suggestion will be a great help. Thanks in advance.

Mano2903 February 9, 2021 23:53

Dear Chandra Shekhar,

It's most likely that you have figured it out by now. In case you haven't, you can use the "Stream Tracer", found in the Common and Data Analysis Filters in Paraview. You can use a point source, or a line source, depending on what you want to do.:)


chandra shekhar pant February 10, 2021 01:08

Hi Mano,

Thanks a lot for your help, but are the streaklines and "stream tracer" same?

Mano2903 February 11, 2021 00:26

Theoretically, they are the same if your flow is steady But I do not know how to generate streaklines in Paraview. :( At least not yet! I hope someone comes up with a way soon.


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