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baldbrain June 15, 2023 12:29

Possibly erroneous installation of Paraview. Please help
Hello everyone,

I am beginner trying to learn OpenFOAM and Paraview. I have Installed OpenFOAM 10 correctly. I am operating on a WSL 1.2
environment having a Windows 10 host operating system.

When I tried to build paraview, I am referring the build steps mentioned here ( but I am stuck at the installation of vtk. The installation seems to go well, but when I try to execute their example programs such as creating a cylinder, I see the forllowing error attached in Screenshot 1.

Through a separate route, I tried to install paraview from the "sudo apt-get install paraview" command which installed paraview 5.6 on the WSL environment.
But when I follow along to the Getting started tutorials (, I am not able to successfully execute simple commands like generating a sphere. I am able to do that with the paraview graphical interface but not with the pvpython scripting interface.

When I try to perform the functions listed in the tutorial... I get the following error as attached in Screenshot 2. I had read that the dependency freeglut3-dev is OpenGL Utility Toolkit and I had ensured that I had installed it, along with other necessary dependencies such as build-essential, cmake, mesa-common-dev, mesa-utils, ninja-build.

Please help,
Thanks in advance,
- Harshawardhan Patil

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