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Setting initial fields using a data file for positions

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Old   December 9, 2013, 00:21
Default Setting initial fields using a data file for positions
Christian Butcher
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Japan
Posts: 85
Rep Power: 13
chrisb2244 is on a distinguished road

So I'm currently trying to set the initial conditions on my temperature and/or alpha1 fields using funkySetFields.

The case is 2D (or at least, empty on the back and front) and is basically split horizontally in the middle, with a step function for alpha1, and possibly temperature if I try and use it (I have a modified interFoam solver that seems to be working)

I want to perturb my interface based on a summation of cos waves at different wavenumbers. I have funkySetFields working if I want to use something like

	variables "Curve=cos ((2*pos().x*pi*1)/(max(pos().x)-min(pos().x)));";
		field alpha1;
		condition "((pos().y - ((((max(pos().y)-min(pos().y))/2.0)+min(pos().y)) - 0.005*Curve)) < 0)
but this as far as I can tell only allows one wavelength/number.

I wrote a c++ program to sum up the effects of multiple wavenumbers, giving me a position for each value of x that OpenFoam will ask for (although I don't know how many decimal places that OF uses...), then tried to use those as variables - I have since realised this is likely flawed from the get-go since I would need funkySetFields to read in the pos().x variable, and then after that check for variables to substitute.

Having decided that approach is unlikely to work, I now am trying to see if I can in some way write out my data to be interpreted as a vector, and index my vector by cell location. My thoughts are something like (for a 600 cell wide computational volume/area)

defaultVariables (
"value[0 (or 1?)]=1.234;"
"value[599 (or 600?)] = 1.102;"
with funkySetFieldsDict:

#include "../valuesfile"

          variables $defaultVariables;
          field alpha1;
          condition "((pos().y - value[(pos().x*600)]) < 0";
          expression "1";
This might still never work, since I guess it will still have to run through in order to give a value to pos().x, and the variable to be chosen (assuming it will allow a vector/array) would need to be selected afterwards.

If anyone knows of a way I could make this work, or alternatively, has some better implementation, please let me know

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funkysetfields, initial conditions, initialisation, openfoam 2.2, swak4foam

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