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mxpxer7 April 3, 2014 11:14

Creating an internal patch
I'm running a multiphase case where I have water leaving a tank and then falling through a volume of air to the ground. I'm trying to figure out my mass flow rate out of the tank. From What I've read I need a patch at the exit of the tank.

I'm using Salome to generate a mesh. The issue im having is creating a patch between my tank and my volume of air...

So I guess ultimately my question is, does anyone know how to create a patch internal to my mesh?

seju April 24, 2014 09:28


Originally Posted by mxpxer7 (Post 483711)
I'm running a multiphase case where I have water leaving a tank and then falling through a volume of air to the ground. I'm trying to figure out my mass flow rate out of the tank. From What I've read I need a patch at the exit of the tank.

I'm using Salome to generate a mesh. The issue im having is creating a patch between my tank and my volume of air...

So I guess ultimately my question is, does anyone know how to create a patch internal to my mesh?

dear my friend
when you use a Salome you must creat a face from your file and choose a name for that for example "Outlet" and when you read your file in openfoam you can see a boundry in constant>polyMesh>Boundry
after that you can define this boundry in 0 folder for BC.
best regards

Martin_K_lalelu June 13, 2014 05:07


sorry if I misunderstand you, but that seems not to be working for internal faces. Instead I get a faceZone.

Did you manage to create an internal patch to calculate your mass flux with?

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