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How to Setup an ACMI Case

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Old   October 20, 2020, 22:49
Default How to Setup an ACMI Case
New Member
Jeff Stout
Join Date: Dec 2019
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jeffery0630 is on a distinguished road
I created my original solution from RotatingFanInRoom and got the AMI machinery working well. I am using OpenFoam to plot the pressure from a rotating rotor and stator in a tube.

Now I need to use the ACMI machinery because I need the rotating zone to extend to the wall of the tube. I was not surprised when doing a global substitute of AMI with ACMI failed. After looking at oscillatingInletACMI2D I added a "topoSetDict" and a "createBafflesDict". This is not working either. So, I need help. Here is my build script:

runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract
runApplication blockMesh
runApplication snappyHexMesh -overwrite

# - force removal of fields generated by snappy
rm -rf 0

# renumber the mesh
runApplication renumberMesh -overwrite

# - create the inlet/outlet and AMI patches
runApplication createPatch -overwrite

# - Run topoSet
runApplication topoSet

# - Create Baffles
runApplication createBaffles -overwrite

# - check the mesh
runApplication CheckMesh -allTopology -allGeometry -constant -writeAllFields -writeSets vtk

Things start going off the rails on createPatch:

Adding new patch ACMI1 as patch 7 from
type cyclicACMI;
matchTolerance 0.0001;
neighbourPatch ACMI2;
transform noOrdering;

Entry 'nonOverlapPatch' not found in dictionary "C:/ProgramFiles/ESI-OpenCFD/OpenFOAM/v2006/msys64/home/ofuser/pulser03/system/createPatchDict.patches.patchInfo"
Create Baffles says:

Cannot find patchField entry for ACMI
Then checkMesh can't handle the ACMI extending to the wall. So, here is my questions.

How should I setup this case? What .stl files should I have? How do I pick up the names in the .stl files to create the dictionaries for running ACMI in pimpleFoam?
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Old   October 22, 2020, 16:01
New Member
Jeff Stout
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 8
Rep Power: 7
jeffery0630 is on a distinguished road
I found a link to a recipe here: Sliding interface- ACMI

The steps are:
  1. Make two separate case files (moving & stationary) and use the sHM files to mesh only one of the regions.

    This is confusing to me. Does this mean to sHM everything in the stationary case dir only? Or do I sHM the stationary stuff in the stationary dir, and the moving stuff in the moving case dir? I think I do the later.

    One other thing, the moving part bisects the stationary part. This means there are two separate stationary regions. Does this mean I need two stationary cases, and one moving case?

  2. Name all the patch faces with different names to avoid merging where not wanted. Anything with the same name will merge.

    Ok, but which faces need the same name?

  3. Mesh each case separately.
  4. Combine the meshes using mergeMesh in the stationary case directory.
  5. Use topoSet to create face zones for the interface.
  6. Since the moving region bisects the two stationary regions, I guess I need two interfaces; one to link to the inlet region, and another interface to link to the outlet region. Right?
  7. Create the ACMI boundaries using crateBaffles.
  8. Run createPatch to clean up everything.

    Ok. But I'm not too sure about this one. What extra patches are there?

My recipe (wrong) uses createPatch. I guess that's not needed anymore. Right? Why?
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acmi, createbaffles, toposet

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