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Biku November 14, 2023 07:24

SnappyhexMesh warning errors (I wish to eliminate them! completely!)
So I am learning snappyhexmesh. I am able to get a decent looking mesh but I get the following warning errors during the SHM process. I have not turned on the layers addition just yet.

--> FOAM Warning :
From function Foam::treeBoundBox::treeBoundBox(const Foam::UList<Foam::Vector<double> >&)
in file meshes/treeBoundBox/treeBoundBox.C at line 135


-->  FOAM Warning : Displacement (1.40188e-06 -1.34616e-06 -1.30598e-13) at  mesh point 6658 coord (0.0191844 -0.0654924 0.755) points through the  surrounding patch faces

I am not able to make grids ariund simple cylinders using SHM without either of those warning popping up! I have been trying for 2 weeks but the number SHM iterations I have run is very less due to resource limitations. So I request you guys to advice me.
The generated mesh does look decent but I want to turn off these warnings and want to know what causes them. Some good pracitices to follow etc. I have yet to dwell into complex stls.
I have attached my test case on which I am learning. Using OF 5.x.

Biku November 14, 2023 08:03

received the treeboundbox warning when doing the snappy in parallel. The displacement error is when I do a serial execution of snappyhexmesh .

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