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ozzythewise July 16, 2010 15:52

Print to a file data at a single point
Hi all,

What I'm trying to do is get a file printout of information at a point, in this case, I'm looking to printout the stagnation pressure for a simulation that involves flow around a cylinder. I want it in the same format as when it prints out forces and force coefficients, I'm just not sure how to do it. I'm thinking I need to use the probe utility somehow, but I don't know how to use that. If anyone could give me a hand that would pretty really helpful.

Thanks in advance.

ozzythewise July 17, 2010 08:42

Okay, I sort of solved the problem but then added another one. I added the following lines to the end of my controlDict file:


type probes;
functionObjectLibs (""); //library to load
enabled true;
outputControl timeStep;
outputInterval 1; //how often I want to probe
probeLocations //where I want to probe
(-1 0 0.05)
(0 1 0.05)
(1 0 0.05)
(0 -1 0.05)
(-0.707 0.707 0.05)
(0.707 0.707 0.05)
(0.707 -0.707 0.05)
(-0.707 -0.707 0.05)
(-0.383 0.924 0.05)
(0.383 0.924 0.05)
(0.924 0.383 0.05)
(0.934 -0.383 0.05)
(0.383 -0.924 0.05)
(-0.383 -0.924 0.05)
(-0.924 -0.383 0.05)
(-0.934 0.383 0.05)

p //the field I want to probe

However, when I ran this I got the following error:

--> FOAM Warning :
From function dlLibraryTable::open(const dictionary& dict, const word& libsEntry, const TablePtr tablePtr)
in file lnInclude/dlLibraryTableTemplates.C at line 68
library "" did not introduce any new entries

Which I don't really understand. In addition, the printout was not a .dat file, so when I tried to import the data into excel all the values I got would just be in 1 cell, making data processing pretty difficult.

If anyone has any suggestions for that error, and how I can change the output file format to .dat I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

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